
May 29, 2006 17:27

oh how great has the weather been in Perth for the last few days, isn't it awesome. I'm loving it. It’s cold, cloudy and wet. I just wish I had some gumboots and a good raincoat so I could jump in the puddles and play in the rain with Del. =D

Anyways to business. Recently I've finished my group assignment, a horror film that I helped direct. Full stop. I'm not going to say anymore.
If you haven't guessed, I'm not happy with the outcome reasons being;

1. We didn't shoot enough takes
2. We didn't stick to the fucking plan. What the fuck is the use of making storyboard and a script if we weren't going to stick with it.
3. We choose a shitty soundtrack....... (H.I.M)...... WTF mate
4. Everyone wanted to rush the bastard.
5. Lack of lighting
6. The editing. Well don't even get me started there.
7. Constant ranting and fighting over direction. Fuck for all the times we spent fighting we could have made those shots we missed out on.
8. Changing the story during shooting. Fuck if someone has a problem with the story and the design of the film they should fucking bring it up during pre-production not on the day of shooting the bastard.

On a lighter not we did make one good film, which was an Advertisement. Its pretty funny and I hope you enjoy. All credit for this one goes to Ben.

Check it out on:

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