Apr 26, 2007 22:41

The coming month (note: May) will be hella busy for me coming up. A brief rundown of why:
  1. Starting APRIL 28: Move
    calamanco away from her house and into my house for temporary livings until we move out later this summer into the Apartment of Awesome.
  2. APRIL 30, 1PM: Second interview for the potentially having a better job. Before then, I have a twenty page packet of papers to fill out to get Secret level clearence (note: above Confidential, but below Top Secret). This packet includes where I have lived and every job I have had and every school I have gone to for the last ten years, and the same information for every member of my immediate family. Later that day, I work.
  3. MAY 1, NOON: Dentists appointment, followed by working that afternoon. I also need to figure out some way to get
    princessnadia 's birthday present to her before or around this day. (Happy Birthday, Crystal!)
  4. MAY 3, 7:30 AM: Doctor's appointment, in the earlyearly. :(
  5. MAY 4: Opening night for the musical for which I am working on costumes. The costumes are not at all ready. At all.
  6. MAY 5, 6: I am doing behind-the-curtain things for the musical for these two performances. It will either be awesome, or a whole pile of fail. I have my fingers crossed.
  7. MAY 8 - 16: Provided the interview goes well, I start a six-and-a-half day pass-or-fail training course for the Commisionaire job. If I fail, then no job. At all. Otherwise, job! So. We'll see?
  8. MAY 24: I leave for Toronto, the lead up to which has been its own magical ball of stress and anticipation. I bought my bus tickets yesterday, and am full of panicjoy as I'm getting up to go to Anime North. I really can't decide if I'm more HO SHIT EXCITED or HO SHIT THIS IS ALL GOING TO GO UP IN A PILE OF FLAMES AND I WILL BE MURDERED PLEASE DON'T HURT ME TORONTO, OK? So it's kind of a special experience.
  9. MAY 29: Provided Toronto hasn't killed me, I go back to work. :<

In between all this, I have a costume and a sundress I need to finish before Anime North, and a present-y-thing that is a secret that I'd really like to finish and my work life will all be up in upheaval AND Ellen will be living with me AND my baby brother (who is never easy to deal with, even in the best of times) will be moving back for the summer and OH LORD there is so much to do. The good news is... I am finished Crystal's present (almost). So that much at least is one thing I can not worry about.

moving, busy, cosplay, stress

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