Update about assorted things!

Aug 15, 2006 23:08

I didn't get the promotion at work. But this is ok. I didn't really expect to get it. I'm not really available for the hours they'd want me (Saturday + WHAT EVER ELSE THEY WANT ANY SHIFT WHENEVER THEY DECIDE TO CALL). It would have caused Office Drama if I had gotten the promotion and not Dave, who has been there for months and is really quite good at his job. However, I was let down in the nicest way I have ever been told that I wasn't going to get something I wanted. Head Boss called me into his office, explained that it wasn't a good fit, blahblah, asked me about myself, school, professors, etc- we had a happy chat of about twenty minutes (and I'm not about to complain about twenty minutes of not-envelope-processing!) and he was friendly and nice. He also encouraged me to apply for other positions when they're posted (encouraged perhaps by my CRAZY BOLD APPLY FOR PROMOTION AFTER TWO WEEKS WORK SKILLZ?) and that he was sure that we could probably find something else that was a better fit in September/October. So. That's still cool.

I'm going to watch the first story arc of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni with
oncealeader, who likes scary things. Yes, I'm an idiot for wanting to watch it again. But this time, I know what happens. AND I want to watch it to see if I recognize any foreshadowing/adult murderers. Because I'm dumb like that.

I've been trying to figure out how on earth people download things by torrenting for YEARS. I figured it out yesterday. It's simple. I'm a) an idiot, and b) MAD AT THE ENTIRE WORLD FOR NOT EXPLAINING THIS MORE SIMPLY. (Srsly. Download client. Find torrent file. Tada.) In any case, Heather, 1; Internet, 0. (YOU CAN'T KEEP SECRETS FROM ME, INTERNETS)

Terrible first names: Bile (self explanitory?), Bogdan (actually, I kind of like this one, since it makes me think of my exboyfriend covered in swamp junk, whining), Garfield (I know that it was a name to start with, but no one in the modern world hears that and doesn't think of a certain fat, lazy cat that hates Mondays), Diamond (male name, had a Mr. in front), and Babygirl (Seriously, wtf.)
Not-so-great last names: Grossman, Poorman, Fruitman, and Whitey
Unforetunate combinations: Catherine Matherin (I serious hope that this happened because she married Mr. Matherin and not because her parents gave her a rhyming name. ; __ ;), and Mary Gay Buck.

internet, update, spooky, names, work

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