Nagging Mother Again

Mar 08, 2007 23:10

Had another row with Mum again about my appearance. Starting to get on my nerves now.

She says I have no pride in my appearance. That I look scruffy. The trouble is I do take pride in my appearance. I take a concious effort not to look bad, I shower every other day, wear clean clothes etc etc. But despite these arguments she still says I look a mess.

She says I don't care but I do. I can't wear anything apart from jeans and t-shirts. Anything smarter like shirts and pressed trousers annoy me. I can wear combat trousers. You know the type, the ones with pockets on the legs. I usually wear these when I'm mountain biking because I can cram spares, snacks, gloves etc etc in those large pockets. Anything with zips is cool for mountain biking too.

Anyway, now she's creeping out to my new fad, growing my hair long. Decided to grow my hair and as such, haven't seen inside a barbers since November. I'm going tomorrow, but not to have cut, but to get it styled to something suitable for its current length. But she won't stop going on how since the break up with my ex I've let standards in my appearance slide. I haven't let it slide. I'm trying new things, I haven't had a hairstyle change since I was 6 for heavens sake. Tell a lie, I tried the gelled back look when I was 16 but living at home meant caving into pressure from Mum and the hair style went back to the short back and sides, brushed over at the parting. The smart sensible, neat church goers look as I call it. When now I live in my own place and I'm putting my foot down. No more buckling under pressure because I have to share the house with my Mum. Like I said this may be a fad. Come the end of the year I may hate long hair and try "Britney" look. That will bug the hell out of Mum but hey, it'll be short.

Anyway enough venting and Thank you for reading my screamings.
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