Another Lost Soul!!!

Mar 06, 2007 16:17

Today is one of sadness.

I lost my first male rat today. Sadly departed. I wish I could put a name to this eulogy but I had so many and they were all brothers which looked alike so they like him was and are un-named.

Rescued from a pet shop where simply being male they was shunned. Females are more popular as they are smaller. I heard because of lack of sales the brothers were to be snake food and so I made my offer. The pet shop owner agreed because he knew I'd take of them. I lacked the space, the funds and a cage for ten temperamental rats which in the pet shop had been poked and prodded by annoying snot nosed kids, despite strict warnings and harsh words from the owner. I bought a cage and the rats. I also endeavoured to make room for their new home.

They were all very hacked off at being poked and prodded so didn't like being handled all that much and would often bite (hard). Despite this I pursued in gaining their trust, risking my fingers to countless nibbles and often shockingly painful bites. One even chipped a bone in my fingertip. Even a year and half onwards they still like to bite but they are not so snappy, more hesitant and sniffing about it.

Like I said I can't remember specifics about my lost sheep. I can't remember how many countless nibbles and claw marks he may have left. I do know from the slightly dark coloured fur from the rest he was one of the eldest. Probably the first of the litter, who knows.

All I know I'll miss him. I'll notice changes in the cage, he could have been the annoying sod who tore apart cardboard tubes and "posted" the pieces through the bars of the cage. He could be the one who pushed bedding into the bars. He could even be the one who threw his sweetcorn through the bars because he hated it. I notice these behaviour patterns and I'm sure changes will be made in the heirachy of the cage. The brothers will start to be different. I'm waiting for the mewling to start, if it starts. That always breaks my heart the most.

My parents are here to help tidy the flat but now, I'm just not in the mood. I want to climb into bed and cry myself to sleep. I don't know why I get upset, I expect to outlive them but everytime one goes it hurts so bad.

hurt, depressed, death, mourning, rat

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