Routine and Life

Jan 10, 2014 08:59

So it is 8.30am on a Friday morning. Nothing special I hear you cry! I suppose so, but I have been awake since 2.30am. I have only had four hours sleep. Ahead of me lies a busy day with the stuff to do. And tonight I am expected to be at a club to help out as part of my duties to a wonderful young Lady. Today's busy little routine will mean I won't have time to pack in my usual nap like I would normally!

I am tired! And it is only 8.30am. I have lied in bed since getting up at 3am to answer the call of nature. I returned to the warm embrace of my duvet, roll over and lied there awake ever since!

The trouble is I have no ironclad routine to my life. I get up when I please, go to bed when I please, do what I please whilst I'm awake! I keep to my appointments and attend to my duties when they arise. I do enjoy my duties too. But usually they don't add any form of regular routine to my day.

I'm sure this adds to my current state of health too! I have had a headache for the past few days, my lower back aches from what I assume could be just bad posture, I always wake up thirsty and I have developed a paranoia about my kidneys trying to kill me!

And the annoying thing is I have myself to blame. I have no routine, I have a poor attitude to my diet and no real sense of exercise anymore! But the trouble is the lack of motivation to do anything about it! It's like I need a little imp on my shoulder poking me with a sharp stick to remind me to do stuff every five minutes! I feel like I need to be micro managed! Meal plans, exercise plans, routines, schedules, etc etc. Then maybe, just maybe it will become autonomous again!

What I want to organize and what I know I'll need help to maintain is simple;
  • Meal Plan - Not just fish on Friday and Salad on Saturday nonsense! An actual meal plan! What fish with what side, what pasta dish. Lunch and Breakfast are easy to manage. Cereals/Toast and Soup, done! But dinner! I never know despite my best laid plans. I need to figure out what I'm having on what day, buy the ingredients in advance and stick to it!
  • Exercise Plan - I need to get my fitness back, then that way I'm not so bloody knackered just doing the housework! I need to work on my core strength and my stamina again! I need a professional to put together a series of exercises that I can do each day to achieve this! There's no point half heartedly flinging myself about the flat to some dodgy YouTube video and expect results! I'm also thinking of running! Just running round the block maybe to start with, increase the distances as I get fitter. Also get the bike back to an efficient state and take up riding daily again!
  • Routines/Schedules - This one should include the above two. Get up, shower, eat, do some housework/baking, lunch, hours nap, exercise, a little computer time, dinner, watch a dvd, bed! That sort of thing! I don't know how to organize this sort of thing! Life has a tendency to get in the way. Appointments, events, friends, etc etc. I mean I already keep a careful track of stuff in my diary but that's for appointments or events or meeting up with those I hold dear! Maybe I just need to find a clever way to wrap a schedule around my diary and make it work!

Needless to say this is all ranting because I can't sleep and I'm tired! I don't even know if I'd be able to make tonight's event, which makes me feel sick and guilty because I'll have let her down again! I know routine is what I need so I don't let her down like this so often!
I just wish I didn't feel so ill all the time! So exhausted!
I wish I could go back to bed right now, sleep till noon but I have a property inspection soon so I need to go straighten up a few things first!
I miss routine!

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