Stop Dr. Uwe Boll
If you would like to stop Uwe Boll from making movies there's now something you can do about it. Apparently he said that
if a million people will
sign a petition he will retire.
Blindness 30 MBFirst teaser for Fernando Meirelles' (The Constant Gardener, City of God) upcoming movie based on the novel by Nobel Prize winner
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Comments 15
I don't believe him.
He'll just make a movie (probably filmed in Eastern Europe) about a stern, Nordic-type hero (probably played by Jason Statham) up against a rampaging horde of a million angry, determined trolls.
Our suffering is endless.
I was hoping the change in German tax laws would eventually lead to his demise but that sadly doesn't seem to be the case. Either he has enough sources for funding or he's able to produce so cheaply to more or less break-even.
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I am blissfully unaware of who he is.. Are his films SO bad????
That's right, he relied on the fact that he's so hated to get lots of Internet Tough Guys to sign up, he separated out anyone who might stand up to him in the slightest, he told them all all the way through that this was just a for-fun thing and they'd be playing around, and then, while facing people who didn't know what they were doing and were in lousy shape to begin with and weren't expecting it (because none of the fighters was allowed to watch any of the other fights), he then proceeded to do his best to seriously hurt them.
The dude's petty and vindictive in a way that makes me feel sorry for any girlfriends, kids, or pets.
The dude's petty and vindictive
I already had that impression before but it obviously seems much worse than I previously thought. Thanks.
wer zum teufel ist uwe boll?? ( ... )
Falls die Frage nach Uwe Boll ernst gemeint ist, dann werfe einen Blick auf meine vorherigen Antworten oder schau mal hier. :)
Keinerlei Eile. Ich war nur ein wenig verunsichert ob es überhaupt ankam. Lass dir Zeit. :)
And Uwe Boll should just go away. Stupid guy. Funny fact: Even though I have no idea what he looks like, in my head I always picture him looking like Stefan Raab. Maybe because I don't like him, either. :)
(Und übrigens nochmal danke für den motivierenden Kommentar auf meinem Blog!)
Thanks for the recommendation. If I ever decide to write another thesis I will most certainly start watching. ;)
Let's say I would be even more willing to sign a petition to make Stefan Raab go away. Boll only makes movies about twice a year. Raab is on TV much more often. :)
Gern geschehen, hoffe es hilft. Mast- und Schotbruch! Oder was man so zu einer Diplomarbeitenschreiberin sagt. :)
Um was geht's eigentlich? Inhaltlich meine ich. Falls "man" darüber sprechen darf.
Yes. Yes, Stefan Raab should absolutely go away, please. I have hated him with a vengeance since the times of "Maschendrahtzaun". Remember? Ah, good times.
Ja, helfen tuts auf jeden Fall. Ich bin froh über jede Motivation, die ich kriege. Auch wenn ich noch in der Vorbereitungsphase (Magisterseminar) bin und nicht beim Schreiben an sich. Es wird, und das ist noch nicht genauer definiert, also sehr grob gesagt, und noch gar nicht fix, also es wird jedenfalls um die Frage nach einer Kommunikations- bzw. Medienethik der Weblogs gehen. Hoffentlich. :)
Oh! Ich meine mich erinnern zu können wie du vor langer, langer Zeit ein wenig freudig erregt gewesen bist nach dem Erhalt eines Büchleins in dem es inhaltlich ums Bloggen ging. Insofern schon damals ein Hinweis das dich der Themenkomplex interessiert. Allerdings würde ich lügen wenn ich behaupten würde zu wissen was "Kommunikations- bzw. Medienethik der Weblogs" bedeutet. Vielleicht eine kleine Ahnung, mehr aber nicht. Aber da wird ja deine Diplomarbeit Abhilfe schaffen mit einer ordentlichen Definition und Abgrenzung. :)
Wenn es denn inhaltlich dabei bleibt würde mich das Ergebnis durchaus ernsthaft interessieren. Aber ich denke du wirst uns in der einen oder anderen Form über den weiteren Fortschritt in den kommenden Wochen auf dem Laufenden halten. :)
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