Mar 30, 2005 18:55
I have a message for this lady. This rosebud.
I hope she reads it.
There are things in life which we are not meant to understand. Things happens. Things change. Life changes.
I always relate living to love. They fit so well together.
Lo(i)ve. Li(o)ve.
Both are beautiful things, which involve taking chances and having consequences. Those consequences may be harsh, but they always work out for the best. In the end. Everything is better in the end. We're all just to eager to get there, that we miss all the great things in between.
I believe that life changes. Constantly.
But I do not believe that love changes.
We cannot help who we love. A lesson well learned, I may say. And our love never fades...
But it can be renewed. In another.
Love cannot be altered.
Love is not a toy that we can put away when we are done playing with it.
Because love is not a toy. And we are never done with it. Not when it is true, at least.
"Love" can be forever.
But True Love. Is the miracle.
Love can last forever. But True Love. Will outlast forever.
It will overcome all obstacles.
It will be dragged from Heaven to Hell. Through happiness and despair.
True Love. In the end. Finds it's way. And it is for eternity and beyond.
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.
Don't let Father Time, Satan, Jehova, or any other force beknownst to man stop you. Or your True Love.
Maybe it's the silly, dirty hands that hold on the tightest.