Another Day at the Office

Feb 15, 2007 00:20

This is Tokyo Tower.

I took this at around 8:15 AM as I was walking to work after Aikido. It ain't exactly the Eiffel Tower, but it sure does look cool in the morning haze.

Well, really, a lot of stuff around here looks really cool. Walking to work in the morning is one of my favorite parts of the day. It’s funny, because I take the same route there every day, but every day I notice many things that I never noticed before. Maybe it’s not so surprising just because there’s so much to see.

All the pictures above this point in this entry were taken more or less right outside the front door of the building in which I work. The office is in Roppongi, the most international district of Tokyo, with probably the most nightlife spots of any place in Tokyo per square meter, and the most varied array of restaurants of every sort of international cuisine you can imagine of anywhere in the city.

During the morning it’s yet another reason to look forward to lunchtime- we can take pretty much any kind of food we want to eat, and be able to find it within three minutes’ walk from the office. Despite what you might think about the priciness of Tokyo Restaurants- and in many case those assumptions would be quite right when it’s dinner time- almost all restaurants around here have a lunch menu including at least a couple items at around the 1000 yen price range, or around $8.50.

Any way, the other reason to look forward to lunchtime is my coworkers- a very diverse bunch of folks coming from all over the globe. You can see a few of them in the pictures below. Somehow we all wound up using our damn mobile phones (and yes, they really are much cooler here than what you get in the States) so I took a picture then. We were trading our contact info and birthdays, which on phones here you do over infrared.

From the left there’s Adam, Tamie, Hae-Jung, and Hiroko. Tamie, Hiroko, and the other Japanese members of the staff speak English, which is good for us because Adam, Hae-Jung and I are the worst Japanese speakers in the company! Our company is made up about half Japanese and half foreigners. The foreigners are mostly Australian, along with a South African, a Kiwi, a Swede, and Hae-Jung and I are the only two Americans. So lunchtime is a very international experience all around.

Hmm, how did this become an entry about food and mealtime? Can you tell I’m a little hungry as I write this?? Time to wrap up this entry and go get something to eat!
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