Dec 13, 2004 08:51
I have not been feeling well lately to the point where if i do eat something i have not realy been able to keep it down .Blah , today I am feeling a little better though.
Eating habbits the past fuw days : thursday ..... 1 cookies and cream milk shake , ended up feeling sick and throughing that up . Friday: 1 slice of plane cheez cake & 1 glass of chocolet milk with wip cream , felt sick and through up about half of that . Saterday : went out to dinner ,ate half of a 12 onz stake cooked rare and half of the mashed potato's and drank a virgin bahamarita , felt sick but did not through up . Sunday : half a turky club sandwhich & some chips with 2 beers to drink , did not feel sick . My weight through out the past 4 days...... Thursday : 95lbs / Friday : 93 lbs / Saterday : 90 lbs / sunday : 93lbs .
Now that I dont feel so sick I should be able to keep any food I do eat down .I probably wont be eating anything though for the next 3 days or at least thats my plan .
On a side note .....Why do I always fall for the wrong guys lol , There is this guy named jeramey ( not my naber jeramey , I met a nother guy named jeramey 2 nights ago) He is so hot . He can play the pieano / act and he is sexy as hell .He is also 28 and I am not sure if he is single or not and i dont think he is interested.Other guy I am kinda interested in is a guy named josh , he is a friend of my friend jessica's . He is atractive .He kiss's good. He is interested in me . I think he just wants a fuck though. Jessica & jeramy (the nabers) say I should not get atached to him cuz i will get hurt. Blah I always like the wrong guys.