En Vankuvero // In Vancouver

Jan 02, 2009 16:20

En Vankuvero

In Vancouver

Nu, mi alvenis. Ankoraux ne estas multe da novajxo, sed mi nepre estas en alia lando. Kiam mi vizitis Tihuanon cxi-somere, mi malfacile kredis ke mi ja eliris San-Diegon. Ne multe malsamis. Nur kiam mi vidis militistojn sur strato, mi ekkomprenis ke mi ne plu estis en Kalifornio. Tie ili akceptis Usonan monon. Cxi tie, mi bezonis Kanadan monon, do nur tiam, kiam mi intersxangxis miajn biletojn, mi ekkomprenis ke mi estas eksterlande, kvankam mi estis jxus veninte de dogano.
Well, I'm here. Not much to report yet, but I'm definitely in a different country. When I visited Tihuana this summer, it was hard to believe I had left San Diego. Not much was all that different. It wasn't until I saw military on the street that I realized I was not in California anymore. There they accepted American currency. Here, I needed Canadian currency, so it wasn't until I exchanged my cash that I realized I was abroad, even though I had just come from customs.

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