Stolen from Erin's LJ. :) Cuz I'ma thief.

Nov 08, 2007 09:42

One undred things you may or may not know about me. (Whether you care or not, is up to you. :b) I'm doing this, more to see if I can come up with a hundred, than to dazzle you all with the minutae of my life.

1)I was born in Bremerhaven, Germany(Only it was West Germany when I was born, heh).
2)Because I was born to American parents, I was a citizen of both countries, until I renounced my German citizenship at age 18.
3)I am an amateur(very amatuer) geneologist.
4)Which has lead me to find out that I am very distantly related to Johns Hopkins(yes, the one who founded the hospital/university), according to my software, he's a distant cousin, several times removed, lol.
5)I am a weather junkie, I'm obsessed with knowing what the forecast is for any given period, it's kinda creepy, and a bit annoying to me, sometimes, but I can't seem to help it.
6)I find myself currently addicted to the Sims 2. Every aspect of it, really, from actual game play, to "challenge" play, to creating custom clothes/looks, everything but hacks and objects. It's bordering on being a sickness lol
7)I only recently realized exactly how much gray is in my hair. *makes a face*(So, yeah, my hair is currently au naturel. For the moment.)
8)Except for my apparent hair vanity, I'm actually looking forward to growing older. (Bring on the menopause!!)
9)I haven't seen or spoken to my mother in about ten years. And I'm ok with that trend continuing.
10)I don't call my dad nearly often enough. I need to work on that, he's groovy.
11)*looks around shiftily* I, uh, dig celebrity gossip. *blushes*
12)Confrontation terrifies me. (For people who only know me from message boards, and here-No, seriously! It does. Typing is so not confronting.)
13)I'm oddly proud to be left handed, and look for lefthandedness in other people.
14)My favorite two funny movies are Fletch, and Harlem Nights.
15)I only watch two tv shows-Heroes, and Ghost Hunters. And I watch those two religiously.
16)I spent my early adulthood making a massive string of bad/unhealthy choices. But I'm doing alright now. :) (I got better!)
17)If you have a catchphrase, I *will* pick it up, and drive people crazy with it.
18)I don't drive anymore, because I'm entirely too prone to panic attacks in the car(The only place I find that I still have to worry about such things)
19)I love to sing along with songs I like, generally loudly, and with great gusto, if not a whole lot of skill. :)
20)I once wrote a rap song. It was the most awful, New Kids on the Block kinda pansy ass bullshit that only a middle class, fairly priveliged white girl from Indiana could pull off.
21)I am occasionally prone to musician obsessions. In Jr. High and early high school, it was Def Leppard(and fuck you for laughing, they kicked my 9th grade ass!*Head bangs*), at the end of high school it was New Kids on the Block(Yes, I said it, and out loud. I heart Donnie.:P), then later(and still a bit) it was Metallica, and currently it's the White Stripes(Although really, it's Jack White, I can take or leave Meg). And over all that, and throughout it, have been the Beatles. I don't ever remember a time I didn't love their music.
22)As a little kid, my dad played guitar and sang in a band.(When *I* was a little kid, not him) ONe of my earlier memories is being held up to a microphone during a band practice and singing "Rhinestone Cowboy" at the top of my little lungs.
23)I have a brother who's 4 years younger than I am. I've been told that I was pretty mean to him when he was a baby, but honestly, the only rememberances I have of him as a baby are him throwing up gatorade, what seemed like ALL THE TIME. heh. He seems to hold his sports beverages much better now, though.
24)I have another brother who's 14 years younger than I am. I really did detest his ass when we was a baby. He's alright now, though. :)
25)But because of my youngest brother, I *DETEST* the movie Ghostbusters, and will leave the mothereffing room if someone's watching it.(Iv'e seen it, probably over 100 times, sadly.)
26)I always wanted a nickname growing up.
27)However, I *hate* the closest thing to one I've ever gotten(which is "Trace".) I hate that with a passion, except when my one younger brother(Not my baby brother) uses it, cuz I don't know that he's ever in his life called me anything else. I think I've always been "Trace" to him. *shrug*
28)I sometimes wish I was closer to my family, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
29)However, I'm constantly amazed at the ability, and desire, of Paul's family to want to get together at the slightest bowel movement(Or rather it seems that way, they all live fairly close to one another, yet feel this need to get together all the effing time. It's just not something I understand at all, heh.)
30)I have never truly broken a bone. Plenty o' sprains, etc though.
31)I collect any and all faerie/fairie memorobilia that I can get my hands on.
32)I also collect Care Bears, but not nearly to the extent of my faeries.
33)I generally won't go to bed until Paul's been asleep for a couple hours. The only reason? I cannot leave the man alone if we go to bed at the same time. I must fuck with him somehow, either by poking him, tickling him, pulling his chest hair, etc. Why? I have no idea, it makes me giggle and I cannot seem to stop it. So, I let him get to sleep first. If he's asleep, I leave him alone.
34)I like to cook, but I hate the tedium of planning daily meals.
35)I really do like the color pink, but generally only the pastel version, although electric pink as a hair color rocks my socks.
36)I'd really like to dye my hair black and that same pastel pink, but I secretly worry that people will tell me, "Aren't you a little old for that shit?"
37)I really do have a thing for androgynous pretty boys.
38)However, Paul is one of the manliest looking men I know(All hirsute, and muscly in that "I work hard for a living" kinda way), and I think he's the sexiest guy I know.
39)I chat as a nervous mechanism. Except with Paul or Cloud or Sarah, all silences, for me, are awkward, and uncomfortable.
40)I used to think I was bisexual, but then I figured out, that for me, women are very lovely to look at, but I only want to have sex if there's a penis involved. :)
41)I am mildly chagrined, but not ashamed that I can't give an exact amount when asked how many guys I've slept with.
42)I am an encyclopedia of obscure and useless musical trivia, as well as a good bit of pop culture bs, too. It makes playing the 80's edition of Trivial Pursuit a really good time for me, and not so much for anyone else playing with me lol
43)To this day, to spell encyclopedia, I have to sing along with Jiminy Cricket in my head.
44)Back on my name. Whichever of my parents had the bright idea to spell my name Tracie can kiss my bum. All I wanted as a kid was to be able to find a pencil with my damn name on it, spelled right.
45)I did, however, choose to do the same damn thing to my oldest daughter, by naming her Shelbie.
46)I don't regret having children. I would however, change the timing, if I could do it again.
47)Not only am I not a fan of "saving ones'self for marriage", I think the idea of two virgins marrying is fairly horrifying, and a recipe for divorce. I'm a huge fan of knowing when you're ready to have sex, and of living with a person before marriage. Lot more asspain to get divorced than it is to get married.
48)I kind of like being the "Zander" of my crowd of folks.
49)I am unhappy with men who treat women like they're morons.
50)I'm equally unhappy with women who act like morons to get something.
51)I snore. Apparently, with vigor.
52)Until I was a teenager, I wanted to be an archaeologist. I assume that same part of me is what makes me a decent geneaologist.
53)I used to consider myself a poet. But I havent' written a poem in years.
54)I can tell a decent story, but writing it down is another thing. I've been so lazy over the years with my grammar that I'm not sure I *could* do it without a textbook of some kind.
55)I am terrible at telling jokes.
56)I have a knot on the right side of my skull from getting hit in the head with a yard dart as a kid.
57)I have false teeth. :) And while I obviously don't care that people know, I am very very uncomfortable with people seeing me without them.
58)I find that I'm having one hell of a time coming up with one hundred of these little factoids.
59)I'm not a big fan of beef. Just don't like the taste/texture of most of it. Not fond of hamburger, or beef ribs, and I'm so picky about steak that I generally just say I don't like steak and get the chicken instead. heh
60)I'm paranoid about undercooked chicken and pork. Flat paranoid. (So of course, I overcook any chicken or pork I use lol)
61)Autumn is my favorite time of year.
62)I don't feel like a grownup most of the time, and I wonder if I ever will.
63)I am sometimes horrifically crass.
64)I really do have a potty mouth. mothereffers.
65) I recently found out that there is a bunny on the cover of every Playboy magazine, so now, when Paul gets his, I generally tear it open before he gets home, so I can find said bunny.
66)I had my gall bladder out like ten years ago. I don't think I've ever experienced anything more painful than gall bladder "attacks". My good gods.
67)I'm an avid reader.
68)If I have the option to go back to sleep in the mornings, I will almost always take it, regardless of how much sleep I've had lol
69)I've been an on and off sufferer of insomnia most of my adult life.
70)I'm pretty high strung for the most part.
71)I smoke too much.
72)I don't, however, drink very often, and I "get drunk" even less. I did all that partying shit when I was young, and I never have understood the need to make alcohol a part of every event.
73)I'm still legally married to the girls' dad even though I have been living apart from him for 11ish years.
74)For all of my protestations to the contrary, I really just want people to like me. heh
75)I'm secretly pretty proud of the men my brothers have become(are becoming? Tim's only 22 heh)
76)If a movie or tv show has a sappy ending of some sort, I *will* cry.
77)I'm a fan of the Harry Potter series, both the books and the movies.
78) In fact, I kinda have the hots for the Weasley twins, and the gentlemen who play them in the movies(James and Oliver Phelps).
79)While I am not a christian, the book of Revalations scares the crap out of me, and has since I was a kid.
80)I'm fascinated with all things Scottish. I'd like to say it's because I'm descended from Scots, but as far as I know at the moment, I'm not. I must just dig the kilts.
81)I believe in reincarnation.
82)I dig tea. Lots of sugar, and get that lemon away from my glass!
83)Contrary to popular belief, I really do give a shit what people will think or say about my actions and choices. Sometimes, too much.
84)The group PETA makes me want to kill cows, and then eat them raw and bloody. And I don't even dig beef.
85)I think causes are great. I think fanatisism, and overzealousness are scary and dangerous.
86)I like message board flaming. It entertains me.
87)I spent a good part of my teenage/early adulthood incredibly angry.
88)Now, it's pretty easy to irritate me, but it takes a good bit to make me good and truly mad.
89)I uh, I dig conspiracy theories. They make me giggle.
90)I read pretty daily.
91)I have my own set of gaming dice. They're pearlescent pink and black swirled. (They're the "girly" dice. heehee)
92)I have a black cat(half siamese) named Malachai. His latin name is Phat Assicus. He's got the tiny front end of a siamese with a massive huge backside. The only cat I've ever seen with "secretary butt".
93)In stressful or upsetting situations, my first instinct is to crack a joke. And sometimes, I offend people with that. /bleh
94)I've always been fascinated with stationary.
95)I'm incredibly afraid of falling down/tripping, etc.
96)I hate it when my feet are cold, and will go to great lengths to remedy that situation.
97)I have toyed with the idea of getting colored contacts to change my eyecolor(generic shit brown), but after a trial pair and the utter ass pain that putting them in is for me, I've decided against it. My eyes just rebel at the idea of me poking my finger in them.
98)I am actually pretty content with my life, and have been for a little while. It's kind of a nice feeling.
99)I don't like root beer.
100)I think feet, in general, are best covered up, as they are oddlooking, and fugly.
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