Odd occurrences in suburbia

Apr 07, 2011 14:16

Last night my early bedtime was disturbed by sounds of sobbing drifting through my open window. After determining that this was not some new, bizarre noise that Jesse, the Cavalier King Charles of many snorty snores, was making, I went out to investigate.

I found a tracksuit clad teenage girl standing in the dark at the top of our neighbor’s driveway. It transpired that this 16 year old's boyfriend of one year had broken up with her over the phone and at 10pm, she had ridden her bike to his house. There she'd listened outside his bedroom window and found him talking to another girl on the phone. She spoke to him from his window and was waiting for him to come out to talk to her, killing the time by sobbing dejectedly at the end of the drive.

Being the interfering so-and-so that I am, I felt compelled to offer (limited) sympathy and advice. But this had me really wondering. Does this girl have parent's that aren't connected with her? How is it that a heartbroken sixteen year old doesn't have someone with an ounce of sense to talk her out of roving around the suburbs at night supplicating herself to boys that reject her?

More to the point, what do I do? I think I should tell the parent's of the boy next door. Teenagers are secretive by nature so I'm not sure the parents would have been aware of last night's goings-on. But what do I say?
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