The weather!
It's so nice!
But... it's not spring yet! It's not supposed to be warm this early! AAHH!!
So... this is long overdue, but: over Spring Break I kind of did something worth blogging about. 'Cause it was something I've never done before. It was an experience I'm definitely glad I had.
See, I went shooting. Like, with a gun. (Two, actually.)
Okay, let's see if I can explain this correctly. URSGA--uh, it's been so long you might actually need a refresher course on some of this stuff. URSGA is the University of Rochester Simulation Gaming Association. K? Right. URSGA doesn't only have undergraduate members. It pulls in people from the community, including some people who are alumni but still in the area. The relevant alumnus isn't actually one--he went to RIT, not UR--but we consider him an URSGA alumnus anyway, 'cause he's just that cool. Or something. Anyway, he likes shooting, and is willing to bring along students as guests every now and then.
I didn't seek this out, I feel like mentioning. I got to go mostly because the people around me wanted to go, and given the opportunity I certainly wasn't going to turn it down...
So, the first Saturday of break, a group of six headed down to the range: the above alumnus, another alumnus who is also a member of the shooting club, me, someone else, and two other people I didn't know. Only the two alumni were members and had guns; the rest of us were guests and had to use theirs. Anyhow.
There are a bunch of photos on facebook, if you can see my photos on facebook. You should go look.
We shot .22s (rifles? I don't know much about the technical differences between various kinds of firearms, to be honest) for a while, took a break for food and warmth, then shot carbines for a bit. I liked the carbine better, though I'm not sure if that's an actual preference for that gun or if it was just better because I was better at it, having had the previous practice plus the short break in which to improve.
So, yeah. I can now say I have fired a gun. I can also say I've fired a gun with some accuracy, though not so much precision.
Hmm... not sure what else there is to say about it. It was fun! I don't know if I will ever do it again, though. Possibly once or twice, but I can only go as a guest three times; after that I would have to join, which would cost a ton of money, and I don't think at this point that I enjoy it quite enough to make that kind of financial commitment to it. We will see.
What else did I do during break? Well, uh... I watched through the entirely of Shakugan no Shana again, because it rocks. And I wrote some plays.
And I purchased a large quantity of
Star Wars PocketModel TCG game packs, spent an entire night (as in more than eight hours) building little units, and later about half a night playing the game with someone else. Much fun was had!
...I slept sometimes. Did some eating. Not sure if there was anything else.
My next challenge: figure out housing stuff for next year. Yaay.