Jun 04, 2009 01:55

I got a ribbon in the mail a couple days ago. I was going to take a picture, but I think my camera just died... I turned it on, the lens when whirr, and then nothing. It doesn't even respond to being turned off again. It's kind of sad.

Anyway, to describe it, it's purple, has a picture of a goldenish wreath (I think) at the top, and then these letters, descending:


"Nikh?," I thought, "what on earth is nikh? Does it stand for something?" The return address on the envelope was the Department of Religion and Classics at school, so: "Does it stand for something in Greek?" It wasn't until one of my parents (I forget which, oops) asked flat-out "What does it mean?" that my mind decided to skip the foolishness and I automatically said "Victory."

Oh. νικη. In capitals. Go figure. ΝΙΚΗ. Victory. νικω. I, uh, win.

You should know this already: This is where Nike, the company with that swoosh thing that makes sneakers and various other things, gets its name. Nike. νικη. Of course, Nike is pronounced "nigh-key" whereas νικη is pronounced "knee-kay" ... so kind of the opposite.

In other news, if you're going to gather together a party of eighteenish people, half of whom are under the age of ten, and go out in pouring rain to buy ice cream at 10:00 PM on a weekday, and buy seconds and thirds because the kids just want more (!? Don't think we can't see you eat it all yourselves! Especially when you eat in the store--taking, I might add, more than the available seats to do so), the least you could do is tip well.

And kids, once you've gone through all that ice cream, don't complain to me that you're cold. ...Okay, the kids were kind of cute, I can't be annoyed at them.
--Did I really just say that?

ice cream, greek

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