Season two., yo.
So yesterday I visited Prep. I didn't see everyone I wanted to--I wanted to talk to Mr. Hanrahan, for example, but he was in a meeting with a student. I did, however:
1. Talk to Mrs. Hoover for, like, half an hour. Yay Hoover!
2. Bump into and talk to
3. Talk to a few other junior- and senior-year teachers
4. Talk to Mrs. Beyerly. Is that how you spell her name? The former Ms. Stock!
5. Hear Richard's voice (though alas I did not manage to talk to him).
It was pretty fun, visiting, though the exchange "So what are your plans for the summer?" "Moving to Virginia..." occured far too frequently. Also, multiple teachers forgot that they taught me last year. They thought I was a junior (!), maybe a senior (!!) in college. (Rising, anyway. Nobody thought I was done.) I also got several comments about my hair, but that's only to be expected, given that it's, like, twice as long as Prep allows. (Hyperbole! I think.)
And the drive to and from Prep was fun. At least once I had no idea which way I was supposed to go, but went the right way anyway because my subconscious knew. And highway driving is always fun, except when it's not.
In other news... in an effort to have something to do while I sit around a home, I obtained City of Heroes. You know? The MMORPG? I got myself a free trial (...not hard, they offer them on the website) and set off into the world of superheroes! After hours and hours of downloading, anyway. Silly MMORPGs and their insistance on downloading content through their launcher-thingies.
So... it's really fun. In fact, when I hit the trial level cap of 14 (which, for the record, I did not know was the trial level cap and I was very confused about why I wasn't gaining experience anymore until I figured it out--and looked it up to confirm) I considered paying for a month's subscription just so I could continue. But no, I thought, that's silly, I still have like twelve days of free trial left. I'll get tired of this soon enough.
But. Oh, but. There's something else I couldn't do because of my trial status. The Mission Architect system.
This is something that was implemented just a month ago. And it pretty much abolishes the concept of being bored by repetitive missions in the game (though, I should mention, so far the game's missions have been fun). How? By letting players create their own missions. The system lets players tell stories through missions they create. It's... I can't really do it justice, explaining it here. It's not like making a map for JKII or making a module for NWN. It's really simple. But it's really powerful.
...I know because I've been playing player-created missions a bunch. Which I can do because, yes, I gave the people money and stopped being a trial account. Hi. But I really want to get into creating my own, which I'll do just as soon as I figure out the peculiarities of the system well enough to really get at it. Yay.