Nov 03, 2004 12:50
Well, today is my birthday. The big 2-1 I might add. But it doesn't feel like it. I had a test that I really needed to do well on today. Last night I stayed up until about 2:30 am studying. I studied my ass off. Then this morning I woke up at 8 (yeah I know, crazy). Terra and I went to to the mva. She wanted to get her license renewed and I of course wanted a REAL license. I had to be back here by 10 to register for classes. I got everything I NEEDED to get, but I hate my schedule. One would think my last semester would be the best schedule. Nope, no such luck. So I took my test. That sucked. I don't think I bombed it but I definitely didn't ace it either. This semester has just been kicking me in the ass. I did so well last semester and it's impossible for me to live up to that. Anyway, so now I'm back from class. It really sucks to have such an uneventful birthday. Chris is STILL debating whether he's coming here or not. I mean seriously, it's already 1 and he's over 2 hours away... MAKE A DECISION. I really wish I weren't at school for my birthday. I mean seriously... I'd like to be with my friends at home who actually care about me and would do something for my birthday for me. But whatever. I'm not trying to be needy, I'm just bitter. If Chris doesn't come I'm going to go out with Terra. I'd invite other people but what would be the point. But on a more POSITIVE note, thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday so far. They are all very appreciated!!! I'm still debating if I'm going to go home tomorrow or Friday. And also when I'm going to go home tomorrow. Craziness. Everything is so last minute with me. Friday night is my night with Chris. I don't know what exactly we're going to do but it'll be good no matter what we do. Saturday is the crazy night. Tequila Beach night! I'm definitely dissapointed with a few people... Out of 13 people, 6 are coming. Now I understand that some of my friends are in other states and can't come into town, I totally understand that. But there is no excuse for a few. Whatever. I can't expect everyone to do for me what I would do for them I guess. I just know who my real friends are I can't wait to spend my birthday with them. This really turned into a bitter entry. haha. I think I always get a little bitter around my birthday. Which is quite odd. Sometimes I think that you can tell who your real friends are when it's your birthday. And I've certainly gotten to realize that. ANYWAY.. Sunday night is the big family night. I'm very excited to celebrate my birthday at home this weekend. It just doesn't feel like my birthday unless I'm with the people I love. But don't worry Terra, I love you!!! THANK THE LORD FOR YOU!!! Well, that's about it. I'll be sure to update my journal with details of all the festivities that are to come...