Gotta Love It!!

May 23, 2006 16:30

So, yesterday I got some really good news...I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!!!!! YEAH!! It is a 'real' 9-5 job! No more working like 500 different jobs. I guess you can say that I am super excited. Now I will be able to save up some cash to get a few things I need and maybe a few I just want.

This means that my sister will take over babysitting. So, she will have money this summer too! That is also a good thing for me. No more lending her money.

I am getting my iPod soon too. I started cleaning Julie's house so she is buying me an iPod. Can't wait for that one. It will be so much easier to carry around than all my cds.

Races this weekend! Can't wait! It will be so cool to finally see everyone. AND to get my party on!

Class is so gay! I can't wait until it is done. 2 weeks. One of my professors hates me so I don't even like going to class because she always sends off a bad vibe. She only really likes about 5 people in the whole class. Kacey and I definately aren't in that 5. Damn it!

Sunday I went to my cousin's graduation. Man oh man did I get to see so many people that I haven't seen in forever. I was so glad to see them. Then after the ceremony we went to my aunts for a cook out. It is like the only time the family gets together. So, it was pretty cool.

I hung out with Cricket, Chelsey and John a little bit on Sunday too. We didn't really do much. Just caught up. John lectured me about having a myspace. He told me it was a good way to get murdered or something. I assured him it would be okay.

Oh yeah Kurtis broke his leg. He is bummed about it. I would be too. He is out until nationals. Which sucks big time for him because he wont get any riding time before then.

Nichole came over from wed-sat. We got some major homework done. We also went to ice cream like 100 times. Every time we actually got out of the house we were bouncing off the walls.

Ummmm...nothing else!

<33 Jamie Mae*
"good things come to those who wait"
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