Oct 08, 2004 07:45
I know you're all sick of hearing about it, but too bad. I'm excited. And what could possibly be better than Canadian Thanksgiving? Well, maybe American Thanksgiving, but that's just because Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday. But now I get two Thanksgivings and that's even better.
Lets see....what's been going on latley? Geoff reformatted my computer on Wednesday, which was "good times". Actually it took forever, but it was worth it. Yesterday was fun. We had a girls night out @ Pietro's, the greatest pizza place EVER! yay for the College Special. After that, Amanda, Christine, Laurel and I went to Krispy Kreme (as if we haden't eaten enough! "I can't believe I went all the way!!!") and basically laughed till it was far too painful to even find anything funny anymore.
The rest of the night was devoted to finishing my really stupid english 101 essay on capitalism. Props to Geoff and Laura for listening too all my "american economy" bs and helping me write coherent sentences. Wouldn't it be great if we could write papers like we write.....like journals or something? Who needs structure? Fight the system!!!! I'm starting a new literary movement where the less structure the better and no one will have any idea what anyone else is trying to say in their writing and it will be great! Join me? You know you wanna.
I had a weird dream last night involving lots of fish. I wonder if it had anything to do with Max? Or maybe that story I heard about the CJ in 1st Werp. Anyway, in the dream, I had like 10 fish, but they were all dead by the end. Maybe its a sign that I should never have another fish.....sad. Why can't I have dreams that tell me not to go through child birth or something? Honestly.
Anyway, I digress from the point I never had. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I'll see you on Monday.
Happy Ending.