OMG i'm so glad that i'm done christmas shopping. Even though i only have a dollar to my name now.. which is sad seeing how i still want to get my dad something i dont even have enough money to do so. I got him a card tho earlier and he's the only one so i hope that can make up for it. I'm such a peaceful christmas shopper tho. It's weird. Like when i'm drivng somewhere i let peole in and i let EVERYONE cross. It's cold out there, i wouldn't want to wait either. I honked at one person today and probably the whole month because i was waiting in this long line to turn and it took 3 times for me even to be able to turn. Anyways it was finally my turn to go so i was going fast so people behind me could go to and he just cut me off. I wouldn't have mind letting him in at all if he would have just had his blinker on. I thought that he deserved a honk :-)
So i came home and started straightening up my room and found a movie that was due who knows when. I swear i can never return a movie on time. It's so frustrating i thought i took it back already.. DAMN IT! I owe so much money to hollywood. They are gonna love when i go off to college. haha!
Well i wonder what i'll be getting for christmas. I always get something somewhat expensive from my dad but i didn't really get any hints at all this year. I can't wait. I wanted a northface fleece but i forgot to ask for it and i'm guessing its too late now. Dru's gift came in today and i can't be any more excited to give it to him. I kno he'll love it. For the longest time i wasn't sure what i was gonna get for him but i think i made the right choice.
Well i'm not sure if anyone has looked but i post pictures up once in a while so check them out sometime.. I'm gonna go tho, i think i'm gonna nap and then bake cookies :-)
leave me some love!