The above photo has nothing to do with this post. But it shore is purtay!
For a geek I have the absolute worst luck with technology. The hard drive on my powerbook died.
And again I managed to pull off all the important data before it died completely. I haven't a fucking clue how, 'cause it was refusing to boot up Tuesday night. Somehow I pulled a miracle out of my ass yesterday morning and got it to boot. Changed the permissions on the photo folder so I could copy it over using Target Disk Mode... but man, the sounds it made when I changed the permissions on the photo folder so I could copy it to my work machine... I think I've heard cat fights that were more aurally enticing.
Booted it a second time after grabbing the photo folder and transfered everything else using IP over Firewire. God I'm a lucky sumbitch... I should have lost everything, yet I got it all backed up to my work mac.
But this is what I don't get. I ran the Apple Hardware test Tuesday night. It found a major error with the HD and stopped running the test. After said permissions change and the noises it produced, the hardware test finds nothing wrong with the drive anymore... even though the computer refuses to boot up.
Being the good geek that I am, I documented everything that happened so I can present my case to Apple. I think the powerbook is cooking the hard drives and I'm going to fight for a new one. I do not want to be finding a new hard drive next year when the same thing happens again. Wish me luck! :P