Post Judas on a Pole - Chapter 2

Sep 22, 2007 18:15

 So it's Saturday and I've been home all day. It's raining PIGS outside! I promised myself I'd keep posting chapters of my Bones fic, so here goes chapter 2.

Title: undetermined (Post Judas on a Pole)
Author: tracgyrl
Rating: undetermined ::this chapter is PG::
Category: Bones Season 2
Content: B/B, H/A, B/C friendship
Genre: Angst, Romance
Foreword: This picks up at the very end of Judas on a Pole as Booth and Brennan walk into the Diner.
Spoilers: N/A
Disclaimer: The characters in Bones were created by Kathy Reichs and Hart Hanson and are the property of Josephson Entertainment and 20th Century FOX. No infringement is intended, no profit is made.
Distribution: Please DO NOT DISTRIBUTE!

Feedback: At this point I would like everyone's feedback to concentrate on characterization rather than storyline. It's very important to me that I keep Booth and Brennan in canon. Please let me know of any instances where you feel, I've stepped outside of this.

Chapter 2

Jeffersonian Medico Legal Lab

Brennan walked into her office and deposited her composite notes on the coffee table in front of her sofa. She flopped down and sank her back into the cushions, weary from bending over the remains of Director Kirby, that were now being sent back to the FBI. She rolled her neck on the top of the cushions and closed her eyes. She could smell the faintest remnants of Booth's aftershave lingering on the sofa and her skin caught the slightest tingle. Her eyes snapped open at the realization and she thought about calling him. He'd briefly stopped her from leaving the diner to ask her to call him. She wanted to call him. She'd been contemplating calling him for four hours now and every time she reached for her cell phone, she found another task to stop her. Now that the case was finished and the paperwork on its way back to his desk, it really was the perfect time to call him. She reached into the pocket of her lab coat and stared at her silver Treo. "I wonder what he's doing....his stomach's probably growling.....I wonder if he wants to go for Thai?" She gave her neck another roll on the top of the cushions and started to place her phone back into her pocket when it started to ring. Brennan's stomach clenched and on some subconscious level she knew it was Booth. She pulled it back out of her pocket and looked at his name displayed on the Caller ID.

"Booth....I was just about to call you." Brennan's voiced sounded tighter than she expected.

"And what was stopping you...this time Bones?" Booth had been sitting behind his desk waiting on Brennan's call. He knew Cam had already left the Jeffersonian for the day and was waiting on him to come by her house. He should have left hours ago. He didn't have any work left, but couldn't make himself leave with the knowledge that Brennan was still in her office.

"I'm sorry; I just wanted to wrap up the case before I went home." She admitted.

"Well the paperwork is finished. I just got the call from Harmon down in records, so why don't you stop rolling your neck on the back of the sofa, hang-up your lab coat and go home." Booth had closed his eyes so he could picture her clearly.

" did couldn't possibly....are you in your office?" Brennan turned around looking for any sign of him spying on her, stunned by how he knew exactly what she was doing.

"Yes, I'm in my office, but I'm heading out now." Booth smiled to himself. He loved to stump her.

"OK, well I'm doing the same. I'll talk to you tomorrow." She hurried.

"Bones?" Booth halted her.


"Call me, if you need anything, anything. OK." Booth expressed as he walked out of his office.

"OK. Bye Booth." Brennan took a deep breath and sighed heavily. She could hear the concern in his voice and it just made her want another hug from him. He somehow always knew how to make her feel better.

"Bye Bones." Booth reluctantly ended the call with Brennan and headed to Cam's house. "I'm late.... again; I've got to do something about this."

Brennan's Loft

Brennan dropped her things to the floor behind the counter in her kitchen and went to open the refrigerator. All she found inside was some left over Brie and 4 Moroccan beers. Her stomach growled annoyingly and she groaned. "I should have stopped for Thai before I got home." Brennan reached inside her drawer and grabbed the Wong Fu's menu. She picked up her cordless phone from the counter and started to dial the number when her doorbell rang. She put the phone and menu down on the counter and walked over to her door. She smiled to herself thinking Booth must have decided to check on her, relieved at the prospect she reached for the door.

"Booth, I thought I told......Angela.....Jack....What are you doing here?" Brennan thought for sure it was Booth. She was surprisingly deflated that it wasn't him.

"Honey, were you expecting Booth?" Angela smirked, walking into the loft followed by Jack.

" just.....I talked to him before I left work and he was worried....I thought it was him, that's all." Brennan countered.

"We brought Wong Fu's." Jack announced placing the box of food that Sid overloaded on the table in Brennan's dining area.

"I was just about to place an order for Thai, I'm starving." Brennan admitted. "How did you guys know.....wait.....Did Booth put you up to this?"

Jack looked sheepishly at Angela and began to unpack the box. Angela pursed her lips and turned towards Brennan's cabinets to collect plates and flatware.

"We just thought you might be hungry and decided to get something to big deal." She looked back at Brennan over her shoulder.

"Well....thanks." Brennan was warmed by the gesture even though she suspected that Booth had put them up to it. She went over to the fridge and pulled out 3 beers and joined them at the table.

She sat down with Angela and Hodgins and they began to eat dinner. They talked about Zach's new position and other happenings around the Jeffersonian. As they finished their dinner Brennan's home phone rang and she went to the counter to answer it. She looked at the Caller ID and creased her brow not recognizing the number.

"Hello." Brennan cradled the phone between her ear and shoulder.

"Tempe...can you hear me?" A voice asked distorted from static.

"Russ?" Brennan clutched the phone tighter. She would recognize her Brother's voice anywhere, no matter the distortion.

"Tempe....I just wanted to let you know that Dad and I are OK." Russ had finally made his way to a payphone after settling his father in a motel room.

"Russ, where are you?" Brennan bit her bottom lip, hoping he would confide in her.

"You know I can't tell you. Just don't worry, OK. I wanted to help Dad get settled. Then I'll be back." Russ explained.

"What about Amy....and the girls?" Brennan wondered if they factored at all to Russ at this point.

"I talked to Amy before I left with Dad. She understands what I had to do."

"Russ....I really wish you would let me help you." Brennan was hurt that Russ didn't trust her enough to confide in her, but he trusted Amy.

"Tempe I have to go now. I love you. Dad and I both love you." Russ rushed as the static on the line grew worse.

"Russ I.....Russ......Russ?" Brennan continued to call into the phone, but the line was dead.

Angela and Hodgins sat at the table silently staring at Brennan's back as she talked on the phone. Both unavoidably privy to her side of the conversation. Brennan pulled the phone from her ear and laid it on the counter. Her eyes filled with tears and her chest tightened. She didn't get a chance to tell Russ that she loved him too. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, the feelings she'd been keeping at bay since she watched her father and brother drive off earlier that day threatened to spill out. She opened her eyes when she felt Angela's hand on her shoulder.

"Brennan...sweetie's OK." Angela squeezed Brennan's shoulder.

Brennan walked away from Angela towards the far side of her kitchen. "Uhh excuse me." Her voice was noticeably shaking as she exited the kitchen.

Angela watched her as she disappeared into the bathroom, the door closing softly behind her. Angela turned to Jack and he gave her a small smile.

"Give her a few minutes, OK." Hodgins encouraged.

Angela walked back to the table and sat down next to Jack. She put her hand in his and laid her head on his shoulder. He stroked her hair and rested his forehead against hers. He knew she was worried about her best friend and wanted to comfort her. "Maybe we should call Booth."

Cam's apartment

Booth sat across from Cam at her kitchen table and checked the time on his phone for the hundredth time since he arrived. An awkward silence had developed between them and Booth cleared his throat.

"That peach cobbler was wonderful." Booth commented rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's always wonderful." Cam stated dryly as she backed away from the table. She picked up the plate in front of him and turned to place it in the sink. When she turned back around Booth was checking his phone again and rubbing the back of his neck. She walked behind his chair and placed her hand against his neck. Booth flinched at the pressure her fingers caused and moved his head away.

"Hey, can I have some coffee?" Booth asked quickly in an attempt to hide his discomfort.

"Sure, I'll put on a fresh pot." Cam walked away from Booth and over to her coffee maker.

While Cam was busy filling the coffee maker, Booth left the Kitchen and walked into her sitting room. He pulled his phone back out and checked for missed calls. He called his voicemail wondering if somehow he had missed any messages from Brennan."You have no new messages."

"So, still no call from Brennan, huh." Cam startled Booth as she walked up behind him carrying two cups of coffee.

"" Booth reached for his cup and sat down on Cam's sofa wondering how she knew he'd been waiting on a call from Brennan. He hadn't said anything to her about it.

"What?" Cam asked Booth as he looked at her curiously. "I know you're worried about her.... It's all over you."

"Look...Camille..." Booth started.

"Seeley don't start with the speech, OK." Cam cut him off. "This was satisfying, the second time around, but I know it's over. You got the distraction you needed to keep you away from Rebecca…"

"Wait a minute....I got the distraction I needed?" Booth grew annoyed with Cam's account of their involvement. "That's not what happened and you know it."

"Look I'm not trying to throw some guilt trip on you..." Cam covered.

"That day that I came to talk to you clear up any gossip going around the Jeffersonian about me and Rebecca, You were on the phone with Danny. He was going to be in D.C. for a few days and he wanted to see you. You wanted to avoid him at all cost, so you slept with me. That's what this was about." Booth was really upset now.

"Don't you dare bring up Danny to me?" Cam's eyes widened as she warned Booth.

"Why? Because you're scared I'll make you face all those feelings you have for him." Booth continued.

Cam let out a sarcastic scoff. "That's real funny coming from you."

"You know I don't feel the same way for Rebecca anymore." Booth's voice rose as he stood up from the couch and grabbed his keys.

"Yes... I know you're not in love with Rebecca anymore, but I wasn't talking about her, was I Seeley?" Cam crossed over to the door to her apartment where Booth now stood and grabbed the knob.

Booth narrowed his eyes as comphrension of Cam's allusion to Brennan dawned. "She's my partner....of course I care about what happens to her. We've had this conversation Cam and I thought you understood that Bones is my..."Booth began to explain again.

"Partner, riiiight Seeley, you've explained that...several times in fact, and I get it. Look, we're friends....and I'd like to remain that way, so before you start doling out advice to me about Danny...." Cam opened the Door and Booth walked out into the hallway. "Try it out on yourself first."

Booth watched as Cam closed her door then turned to walk to the elevator. His mind immediately went back to Brennan. He pulled out his cell phone once again to check for any missed calls. "She still hasn't called." He pressed the talk key on his cell phone since her number was the last he dialed and hoped she would answer.

booth, bones, fanfic, post judas on a pole, brennan

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