Screw you, Early Bird!
Today was probably the last day that I had to wake up 2 hours early to pick up that friend to take him to work -- "probably" depending on how his first day out of the neck brace goes tomorrow. If it goes poorly, I told him I'd resume driving him on Thursday until he feels better. I suspect that he'll not only be fine, but only too happy to escape the confinement of that brace tomorrow. Truthfully, I've really enjoyed getting into work earlier, getting so much done in the quiet of the mornings. If only I could do that AND sleep as late as I want AND stay up as late as I want! Pick 2, really. Since I don't use an alarm clock to wake me, and I rely on my inner clock, I suspect that I'll wake up early tomorrow anyhow, and I'll split the difference by sleeping later than I have been lately, but still going in a bit early, too.
The Challenging World of Contract Review
I'm having an interesting week at work -- Yes, with recognition that it is indeed only Tuesday! My partner-in-crime at work who reviews vendor contracts for business terms prior to handing them off to the Legal Department is on vacation this week (and much deserved at that). I'm not exactly covering for her, since I'm not qualified to do so, but I am attempting to pick up a little of the slack left in her absence. This has me giving contracts the first look, and calling out any unusual terms for our attorney (who will read them throughly anyhow, but this is just to make things a little easier for him). This is a neat opportunity for me since this is the type of work that I adore doing, and where I want to take my career. It is challenging, and out of the ordinary for me, however. Although it's only Tuesday, I've thus far experienced the following with these added duties this week:
- A VP who has never been a VP until now who emailed me in no uncertain terms last week that a contract is on hold until August... emailed me today to ask me the status of its review
- Someone presented a contract for initial review after it had already been signed by both the vendor and my company. "I told the vendor this may not count since it hasn't been reviewed." While kind-hearted, that's not how contracts work. You don't get to say, "That one didn't count," if you sign it and then decide that you didn't like the terms of it after all. That was sort of a new one (but only sort of).
- Previewed the fine print on an incoming software license today to discover that it requires us to pay in advance for 1 year, but says the vendor can terminate with or without cause, and with or without notice, and under no circumstances could we be entitled to a refund... as well as a bunch of other crazy terms. Sometimes I read that sort of thing, and I have to wonder if it's the Legal equivalent to inserting, "And that's the point where the elephant put on her tutu and tap danced on my head," in a conversation with your spouse when you think they've stopped listening to you. (C'mon! Surely we're not the only ones who do that??) Does this vendor think that nobody reads this stuff? I suppose it's worth the try on their part.
These bits of silliness make me feel needed at work (among other inspirations for the same feeling), and I enjoy that. It's amusing. I really love my job, and I'm having a great time there. I look forward to going to work every day!
Back to School!
I've got some pleasant news on the school front! Today I met with advisers at the local community college. It looks like I am only two required classes away from getting my Associate of Arts degree finally. ("Finally" = I started college in 1988, and have gone back off and on, and have been working at this fairly steadily since 2005 now.) I need to take Math, which we all knew -- but it looks like I can get away with Math For Liberal Arts Majors (I shit you not, that's the name of the course). My previous science credits aren't quite what they want here in Colorado, so I still have to take one science with lab. Not bad! Beyond those, I'll need to take 7 units of electives just to rack up some local credits since I'm transferring in all other required classes. The odd thing is that the local school does not offer specific AA degrees, so it won't be AA: English -- just a general education degree. That's fine at this point. I'll probably take those extra 3 electives as English and Literature classes just to satisfy potential entrance requirements to a 4-year university if every continue that far.
Meanwhile, I've decided to resume work toward my Paralegal Certificate. It'll be good for my career. Two very good pieces of news there are: It looks good for my previous classes from Kennesaw to transfer in! I didn't think they would, and that's 5 or 6 classes including some relatively really boring stuff like Civil Litigation, so I'm thrilled they may transfer. That's a whole year of school, at least, that I can avoid -- not to mention that it would be sad to have to redo classes! The other piece of good news is that this school offers an Associate of Applied Science degree in Paralegal Studies. Both the certificate and degree require the exact same paralegal courses specifically. The difference is that the degree has the general education requirement. In my case, I don't have to take a single extra class to meet the degree! I've already taken then all except Math -- which I want to take to satisfy the AA degree anyhow. So for no extra time or monetary cost, I can achieve both the Paralegal Certificate and degree at the same time... Why bother? Well, 1: It's no bother, it's literally a 1 page form to fill out, so why not? 2: I've actually heard of a few employers that for some unknown, and really asinine reason, will not accept a degree in Paralegal Studies, they want the professional certificate. O.o right?? So, May as well.
The piece(s) of paper will be nice for my career, as I said -- but also, I'm actually really looking forward to the education itself. I think the topics will be interesting, and I have no doubt that I'll enjoy them.
Next step is that with the patient help of my dear husband, I need to study for the math placement exam. You know how I hate math and how I'm therefore so terrible at it! I want to make sure that I qualify to take the one class I need, and I don't have to take any remedial classes leading up to it -- alas, if only I were kidding! Once I take the placement exam, I can register for Fall classes. I will try to get Math out of the way. If so, I think I'll take just the one class this semester, both to get my feet wet again after a year-and-a-half out of school, and so I can concentrate on not failing Math under any circumstances!
9:30 is getting late for this old lady under ordinary circumstances, but after waking at the crack of dawn...? Definitely time for bed. Nighty night!