Oct 28, 2009 22:11
I've got a job interview tomorrow morning with a placement agency. It's specifically for a contract receptionist job downtown for $10-$12/hour -- its temporary nature means either no benefits, or bennies through the agency which probably would be too costly to be worth it. But eh - it's $10-$12 more than I'm making sitting at home, so off I go! Even that amount of money would put us decidedly in the black and even paying off Ian's student loans early, so win enough, really.
I wonder if this may be a short interview, however. Being me, I read the fine print in the application certification before I signed it. I struck and refuse to agree to authorize inquiry into "any and all information or opinion available, personal or otherwise" from past employers, and release everybody from liability for defamation of character or invasion of privacy. No, that pretty much gets filed under "F." I figure this will go one of two ways -- either the person accepting my paperwork will hardly glance at it, and will think that some writing and initials on a contract are just silly doodles in the margins and mean nothing, and we'll move on... or she'll read it, and insist that they will not do business with me if I refuse to accept their contract as-is. In that case, I'll thank the agency for its time, and move on.
In other news, now that the weather has turned cooler, I found myself in need of some casual long pants to wear at home. I only have one pair of jeans. It's getting too cool for shorts, and I hate to wear out my office clothes and nice slacks in particular with household duty. Off I went to the thrift store today for Half-Price Clothing Day because I really shamelessly love a bargain! I got three pairs of pants for $10.86 total! Two pairs from Coldwater Creek, and one from Liz Claiborne, thank you very much! That's the key to thrift shopping, ya know -- ya gotta shop the labels first. Never ever spend $2 at a thrift store for something that cost $5 originally at Wal-Mart -- spend $7 on something that cost $70 at Saks. That's the Filene's Basement wisdom handed down from my mother and her mother before her!
Finished the American History unit on the 20s-50s this morning. I've been studying up, and I may stop at campus tomorrow after the interview and take Test 4 of 5 there. I ended up with 126 out of 150 on that Biology exam, with no explanation or response so far from my instructor about the mystery of the essays. I will follow up with her this week. Meanwhile, have a near perfect score in the lab for that class, so this bodes well.
Did I mention what a big doodoo head I have discovered Harry Truman to have been? There was this great big strike of railroad workers going on. His solution? He asked Congress for permission to draft all the striking workers into the Army. What a dog! I wish he were still alive so I could write him a stern letter and tell him what I think of that. Hmph!
Nightie night,