Sep 08, 2009 15:52
My mother took care of the kittens while we were gone on our Dragon*Con trip. Dutifully, Nana spent at least three hours with the kittens every day, talking to them, playing with the laser pointer, and miraculously even being allowed to snuggle them. Sometimes my mother left me voicemails with updates and anecdotes about the cats, but most of the time, the cats themselves left the messages. "Hi Mama, this is Watson. Nana helped me use the phone..." and they'd tell me all about the fun they were having while we were away, although how much they missed us.
This was surely evident when we came home last night. Watson fled the scene and hid under the furniture. He scratched the beejezus out of Ian when he dared pick him up for a snuggle before Watson was quite ready to settle in. Once the kittens established our identity as their Prodigal parents, however, they started to calm down. Then, as predicted, it was All Cuddling All The Time All Night Long. Holmes probably woke me up every two hours last night trying to nuzzle and "nurse" at me with his kneading paws. Watson kept trying to scale Mount Dada while Ian stayed up in the office to catch up with The Interwebs. Poor kitties. They do not appreciate us leaving the house for more than three hours at a time, oh no!
Only half-awake during my daily job search this morning, I discovered it an interesting opportunity. It was the first job for which I interviewed here in Austin back in April. At the time, I thought it was crappy and "beneath me." I debated long and hard what to do if they made me an offer which they did not, in the end. Job's open again, however! Guess their chosen candidate did not work out. Well, now that job is looking a lot more appealing than it did at first pass, so I reapplied. We'll see if anything comes from it.
Meanwhile, however, an interview with a placement agency the week before I left for the con may result in a three-month temp assignment to cover someone's maternity leave. September, October, November, about into the first week of December. Slim benefits from the agency, but better than none. Don't know about cash. Decent commute away from the city rather than into it. If it pans out, it will start Monday -- yikes! That sounds like a whole lot better than nuthin!