I don't think I like zoos.

Jun 22, 2008 14:23

Dude, I am so back on the water wagon after that Coca-Cola high yesterday. Slept just fine, thankfully, but I was simply wired for sound for hours and hours yesterday... and it was wonderful! It was nice to really enjoy a Coke for a change again. This is, as they say to children, however, a "sometimes" treat.

Yesterday evening after the movie I experience an allergic reaction to some face lotion. For months now I've been suffering a condition of very dry skin from about the area of my collar bone upward. My father had debilitating psoriasis, and I've always been afraid of its onset. I have no idea if this is it, or just some random dry skin. Anyway, the skin over my throat felt especially crispy yesterday, so I reached for the tube of Avon lotion I keep on my desk. I've used this on both my hands and face a number of times with no problem. Within 60 seconds of application, it felt like I had poured hydrochloric acid over my skin! By the time I got to a mirror, large red blotches had covered my whole neck -- big, angry things, although not raised. I washed my neck just with some warm water, no soap -- didn't want to chance more chemicals. Then I applied some hydrocortisone cream. That did the trick. It was, as the old WBCN commercials for Gold Bond Powder used to say, "like dipping your balls in ice cream." The whole thing was a little freaky.

Went to the Dallas Zoo today in near-100 degree temps. I've decided I'm not overly fond of zoos. Now, those who know me well know that -- sorry, folks -- not only am I not an animal rights person, I'm, uh, well, sorta-kinda against a lot of animal rights activities. (I don't choose to debate this topic, thank you.) I do have my moments, however. For example, it really burns my bacon to see people adopt giant dogs and keep them cooped up in tiny apartments. That's just not right. A dog needs to run, needs its space, and needs some outdoor time. Zoos may also make the list. They just seem like an outdated concept, a relic of the 19th Century. There are better ways to do what they claim they do positively: protect the animals, provide education, allow civilized folk to see animals with their own eyes not just in pictures. I don't know squat about this topic -- seems to me, though, like those "free ranging" exhibits that aren't actual traditional cages surely must be better for the animals this this old fashioned sort of exhibit. This just seems unnecessary. The Dallas Zoo, in particular, has lots of banners advertising their, "ENDANGERED SPECIES CAROUSEL." I'm torn -- okay, you're maybe educating children about what an endangered species is, and which animals are among them... in a jolly, let's not take this seriously, riding on the back of an endangered species is for fun sort of way. It just seemed to be in poor taste, if nothing else.

I'm home, out of the heat, clothes changed, and about to see my enemies driven before me.

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