Words to Live By

Oct 17, 2002 14:24

jaynefury has thrown down the gauntlet, offering me some words she's collected that inspire her. I keep a running list of such items, myself, and I've been meaning to transfer them from my paper journal to this one for awhile anyhow. Many of these can't be attributed, and some make sense to no one but me.

"Some people can never believe in themselves until someone else believes in them."

"Hearing something one-thousand times isn't as good as seeing it once."
~ Chinese proverb

"Mal Zeth has never been graced by the presence of a divinely beautiful Imperial Princess, glowing like a precious jewel and shooting beams of her fire back at the sun."
~ Silk to Ce'Nedra, David Eddings' Demon Lord of Karanda

"You get the same 24 hour as anybody else."

"Newties makes em burns! Sorry I missed Firererer. (May it be hailed and feared!) Oh well."
~From the Wildlands South in-character message board (and many years of bewildered jokes afterward)

"It's wanting that keeps us alive."
~The movie "Dangerous Beauty"

"Jackie O had nothing on me. Tomorrow, I shall wear a hat."
~An affirmation suggested to me by my dear friend Kara

"Flexibility is just a way of giving."
~Oddly, Glamour Magazine's advice on making love last

"There is no dishonor in leaving a path that does not captivate your heart."
~bluefirekali, July 10 this year (told you I wrote it down!)

"Live, then, and be happy, beloved children of my heart, and never forget that, until the day God deigns to reveal the future to man, the sum of all human wisdom will be contained in these two words: Wait and hope."
~The final words of Alexandre Dumas' classic, The Count of Monte Cristo

"It's better to be alone than wish you were."
~Maternal advice from my pal Nancy's mom

"Let all thy joys be as the month of May."
~Frances Quarles

"Hereafter, in a better world than this, I shall desire more love and knowledge of you."
~Willie the Shakes, "As You Like It"

"I spent most of my life worrying about things that never happened."
~Mark Twain

"Men go crazy in congregations. They only get better one by one."
~Sting, "All This Time," off of one of the most beautiful and moving albums I've ever heard, "The Soul Cages"

"The Great Creator does not play favorites."
~Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance

"All you have is all you need."

"If you don't love it, learn to live without it."

"To achieve order within, begin with outward order."

"We can never leave any situation that causes us discomfort until we learn to love it or at least see love at work in it."

i'm blogging this

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