Top 5 things I am JUST PUMPED about
1)Getting to go to SoCo concert at the last minute w/ Don and Karen
2)I am going to Madison w/ Heidi for the Superhero party/Papa P's Bday in 3 weeks
3)Spring Break is in 7 weeks (I hope Acapulco is ready for us again)
4)I got Weekend At Bernie's on DVD at Walmart for $5
5) My 10:20 got cancelled today
Top 10 things I am JUST PISSED about
1)waking up at 8am MWF
2)I walked all the way to Bessey before discovering my 10:20 was cancelled
3)I spent $100 yesterday on NOTHING....well stuff I dont need and shouldnt have bought
4)I have a shopping/clothes/DVD/Concert/liking fun STUFF problem
5)Highschool couples who almost ruin concerts for me
6)Stupid whore of a Cata bus driver who I have to see 3 days a week now
7)I hate all this snow because a)it reminds me that I cant go snowboarding, b)it's cold, c)I hate walking in it d)I hate how it gets my pants wet even though I refuse to look like a sorostitute bitch, put on Ugly Uggs and roll up my pants e)I dont like shoveling it f)I hate driving in it g)if its cloudy it's gloomy and if it's sunny it blinds me h)let's be honest, I could go on and on here
8)I have about 762738994830842034 things to do
9)I have motivation to do approx 0 of these things
10)I want to go to this concert sooooo bad but it's in New Jersey and it's the weekend before finals....ugh such good bands I might cry