As you all know, I'm a huge fan of webcomics. On my page, I have 50 now that I read every day.
However, I have a certain dislike for traditional comic books. I enjoy the movies as movies, but I can't understand why anyone can put up with the shit they call comics.
Reading through the
Wikipedia Article on Magneto, for example,
reveals just how pointless it all is.
Another site,
Superdickery is all about how terrible early comic covers were. Everything from
Superman is a Dick to
Absurd Comic Covers.
Archie feat. The Punisher. I can't say anymore.
I understand a certain amount of fun to be had with people who have super powers. Escapism is something I am personally familiar with. Hell, I see how playing Heroclix is neat because of the varied stories behind each character and their abilities.
What I don't understand is how anyone can be entertained by a concept which has been so rehashed that there aren't any new or redeemable stories coming out.
Perhaps I'm mistaken, and I welcome any of you to refute me in the comments (please be sure to read my links first, to understand where I'm coming from).
Radio Free Zerg,