It really shouldn't surprise anyone in the slightest that as time goes by, more and more evils of the current administration will be revealed.
More revelations about torture from the New York Times are but the latest in the never-ending effort to hit new lows. As usual, there are insiders and officials who served under previous Repulican President's who are sounding the alarm:
Douglas W. Kmiec, who headed that office under President
Ronald Reagan and the first President George Bush and wrote a book about it, said he believed the intense pressures of the campaign against terrorism have warped the office’s proper role.
“The office was designed to insulate against any need to be an advocate,” said Mr. Kmiec, now a conservative scholar at
Pepperdine University law school. But at times in recent years, Mr. Kmiec said, the office, headed by
William H. Rehnquist and
Antonin Scalia before they served on the Supreme Court, “lost its ability to say no.”
“The approach changed dramatically with opinions on the war on terror,” Mr. Kmiec said. “The office became an advocate for the president’s policies.”
I am tempted to remark that what is surprising is the ho-hum coverage by the press. The public doesn't seem to be too worked up about it either. You would think at some point some of the Bush-voters I know would feel a sense of shame, and show some remorse for what they've done to this country.
I would say it is surprising, except that we've been down this road so many times before. These people will never feel any shame. They are plugged into Fox News, and will mindlessly accept the storylines fed to them by O'Reily and company without much thought. Certainly without subjecting themselves to any "liberal media", formerly known as "reality". There isn't any insider, soldier, or ex-Reagan executive they won't throw under the bus and discredit on Fox news, and the new conservative, the 30%'er, will smugly accept that it's the left that is using this for political purposes.
You see, there is no issue, torture, rape, murder, no fundamental right that anyone can ever fight for honestly. It's always the crazy left making a political play.