i just stumbled across the greatest site:
yesterdayland.com. it rules! it has stuff on popples, pound puppies, tv shows, you name it, it's there-- all the great stuff from your childhood.
links led me to a kids inc. site and i was instantly transported back to being about 7 and wanting to be stacy. sadly, i now realize that she was apparently everyone's favorite, so i guess i wasn't too original, but oh well. just look at this
picture and tell me you didn't want a jazzy pink and purple outfit just like the one she's wearing (even though it's black and white in this picture, but i happen to know the super shiny outfit is pink and purple. mmm.....). man, i so wanted to be her.
i'm also sad when i look at "where are they now?" sites and see that she got so... i dunno, britney spearsy... before britney spears even came along. i don't know what i expected, i guess, yet for some reason it's still disappointing. so much makeup. so much hair... sigh.