What a weekend boys and girls. And what a year to boot! Though I have no interest in doing a year's recap I think it came out pretty even: some great things and some not so great things. Happiness won out in the end :)
Wuffmeet was amazing yet again. Lots of hard work goes into prepping and executing this event and my hat goes off to
duncandahusky and
takaza for putting it on for us year after year. Thanks guys :) Weekend was spent without a plan and just lounging and talking with folks I don't get to see throughout the year along with the locals I do get to. There was some pool and hot tub time, both equally rare from no longer living in Florida, and some amazing food to be had. And booze. Way too much booze was had.
This weekend will come with a few events Im looking forward to and if everything runs as smooth as the past few days, the week will end out well too. Because of this, and to move more of my plans in motion, I'll be posting about this weekends events next week and hence there after with subjects related to it. However, for journal posts, I'll be keeping them under a separate tag for interested people. It's not TMI information (I think) as it's just more about me :) If you are interested and would like to be on it, let me know or leave a reply and I'll add ya on. Barkbark!