A surprising companion

Mar 10, 2009 16:48

Last night I stopped to meditate, or at least make the attempt to ground and walk into that space where things happen. I haven't done so for quite some time - pregnancy sort of interferes in some way. So I knew I might have trouble entering the right mind-state. And I did.

Curiously though, when I stepped through I was somewhere I've not been before. Not one of my usual - or any prior - arrival points. A beach, relatively unformed and non-descript. No rocks or cliffs or islands or streams to break up the flow of ocean or dune - just white sand, dunes with dune grass, the occasional bit of texture or seaweed. The beach was neither to the horizon nor cove-like and enclosed. Just non-descript. No animals particularly, no sense of the land echoing as it would if it was a place I'd visited. Just a silver-energy space, that happened to be in the form of a beach just now.

Even more curiously, I wasn't alone - which is what has triggered this post. I've never had a visitor or companion that I haven't asked for or invited. But I was accompanied in the walk on the beach, by a presence I'm not sure I recognise or not. Friendly, or at least not bearing ill-will. Male in essence, I think. Visually he was barely visible. Not invisible, just transparent. And not human-shaped. If anything, like some kind of adult Alien, with a vaguely humanoid body and a big brazil-nut-shaped headpiece. I say headpiece because he was wearing a plastic or crystal armour or casing of some sort and that was what made him appear transparent, so I don't really know what was inside the body of the thing walking and talking with me, whether that was just a sculptured helmet or it was actually his head. I don't now remember what we talked about, because it was hard to maintain focus. But I know it helped.

The whole session was very silver-white-crystal, both that section and the one that came after it. Which is also unusual.


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