....I can almost understand Raven being difficult to find, but I'll never understand why she's always so hard to track down. Always gone by the time I get anywhere....
Maybe if I made another....hm....
....if I was stepping on toes again they'd let me know. Wouldn't they?
....well this was a bloody fantastic thing to come home to. I had finally gotten it to where it worked just right, and now look at it! It's....it's completely....and my clothes.
War? The next time I see you, I'm going to hurt you, I really will.
Carmine? D'you want to go riding together sometime? We could even make a game out of it; the one who causes the least amount of property damage has to buy the other lunch.
Blindly browsing around can find you the strangest things, but I thought this was rather fun, and a good way to pass the time. And I even made my co-workers, too~.