Halloween Blues

Oct 31, 2005 13:46

My Tsunade costume (after hours of long, hard work for Ino's Mom) is complete and beautiful. ^^ It makes meh happy. The party went... not the way I wanted it to, but that's okay.

Today I spent the morning contemplating what to name my *ahem* assets while spending approximately 15 minutes tearing up the basement, looking for my blonde Tsunade wig (which, in fact, I put on top of the entertainment center so my kittens wouldn't eat it). So I leave the house at 7:44, and I get there at 7:52. GREAT. So here I am, bags in hand, running to the school when RRRRIP. Houston, we have malfunction. Turns out the superglue holding the ankle cuff for my right sandal broke apart and I ended up trudging into the band room with a broken sandal and one HELL of a temper. Didn't help that I got about 13-15 hours of sleep in the last three days. NOT FUN.

So, it's a free day in band (K-dizzle the cranky pregnant lady doesn't want us to start our X-mas music til the 1st of November. FINE with me.) and what do I do? Spend the ENTIRE HOUR fixing both of my sandals which just HAPPENED to malfunction, getting my wig in place, and generally ranting about the stapler and stupid shoes.

There was the Halloween Costume contest sponsored by DECA today. I didn't win. I didn't even PLACE. Who wins? The couple from Grease, a Cowboy, and a Woodland Fairy (a costume that 3 other people wore)! *sighs* Nobody appreciates good art. It makes me weep puddles.

On another note- hockey starts today. w00t. Talk about your killjoy. And I think I go back to work tomorrow. Which means, if I remember correctly, that my week will go like so:
~Monday: School, hockey, home (maybe 30 minutes, 45 TOPS), karate, home
~Tuesday: School, hockey, work*, home
~Wednesday: School, Prom Committee, hockey, karate, home
~Thursday: School, hockey, work*, home
~Friday: School, hockey, home (*GASP!* for an hour), sparring*, home
~Saturday: Kickboxing, hockey scrimmage, HOME!
~Sunday: Work*, HOME

(* = relative to scheduling)

Rawr. On another note, Bri has turned down the desperately needed girl's assistant hockey manager position. It makes me weep.

And here's my little list of things for this week (pretty much a reminder to myself):
~D.C. forms and money to Froemming by Wednesday/Thursday
~$60 deposit and order for class ring by Thursday/Friday
~Yearbook money and order to Sanford by Wednesday
~Call Scott about the job offer at Ecco.
~Talk to Coach Lines about getting Coach Lehn to take pucks and water.
~NHS meeting thursday


...btw- I'm going blonde.

school, holidays, hockey, schedule

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