So, this weekend. Many mixed feelings for me. I did enjoy myself. It was great seeing everyone. I did miss them. However, I had a major problem this weekend.
So, this one girl that I really like came with us. She's really cool, funny, smart, beautiful, etc. However, Greg just kept on hitting on her. Now, Greg's a good guy. I like him. He just was laying it on thick though and she was swooning over it. Now, I'll flirt with her once in a while, but generally I don't use pick-up lines. I don't constantly hit on her. I be myself. I'd like to think that I'm decent guy and everyone tells me to be myself, but that's constantly backfiring in my face. I'm just getting tired of it, really. It sucks. It really sucks. Kristie made me talk to her, and it helped out. Not a lot, but it helped. Am I going to give up on this girl? No, not yet. I'll keep trying. More than likely, I'll just be condemned to friendom, which is the story of my life. Ok, I'm done bitching, for now.
There were parts of this weekend that we're pretty damn interesting, but some parts were I would have murdered someone if they said one wrong thing to me.
Right On Red sounded amazing. However, they didn't win. There was the idea that they were disqualified, but when Clayton and Greg asked, one of the judges said no one was disqualified. Who knows. They did kick major ass.
Seeing my family (the ones I'm related to by blood) was awesome. I just chilled with them. I played my cousin, Jillian, in Mario Party 4. She kicked my ass. It was quite funny. It's REALLY hard to avoid swearting in that game. I managed to do it. I had fun with that though. Jillian's younger brother, Jake, remembered me. The last time I saw him was when he was about 2. I was shocked when he said he knew me. He's a great kid. Looks a lot like me when I was his age. Then again, I'm not too surprised about that, after doing some thinking. I looked my dad when I was younger and I actually look like my other cousin, Eric. Dan, my brother, looked like my Uncle Rick (Jake and Jillian's father) when they were both younger. The Wager/Fowler males look very much like each other when they're younger.
Next weekend: Pollock and 30 Seconds to Mars with Quigley, Thad, Renee, Paulson, and Carin. It's going to kick ass.
I'm out. Time to avoid more work. Damn, I need to find a new job soon...
Fatally Yours,
-Townie "Oh Christ, I'm Not That Desperate am I? Oh no- oh God- I am." Paul