[Translation] TV Navi 2009.04.27-05.31 NEWS

Apr 26, 2009 12:38

Japanese magazine's introductions of idols always give me goosebumps...
It's nice to know that he liked Rurouni Kenshin, it's the only manga collection I own :D
I liked his answer to the last question too. We all love our ice man.
Nothing very new in this short article but I had time to kill and it was a request so...

[edit] Updated with all members' interview now. Thanks to scans by newsholic .
Hear the boys' subtle pleas Johnny, they want a TV show, fans want a TV show. Please just grant our wish.
Maybe that stint on 24hours terebi will lead to a regular TV show... *fingers crossed*

Yamashita Tomohisa

Yamashita Tomohisa, the leader of NEWS who graduated from university last autumn and just turned 24. Is he already an adult or still a child... He continues to go through rapid changes as a man. A beautiful man. Yamashita spoke to us in his unaffected and natural self.

* I'm not a typical blood type A
When I first heard this song I thought it was a song that we could all enjoy in this recession and just go all out to have fun. It's a song that everyone can enjoy in the karaoke. I'm a Type A and I'm serious when it comes to work and things I've set my heart on. But I'm not indecisive and I don't think I'm very methodical. (laughs) After turning adult, I think I'm no longer bothered by many things, and I don't really get angry anymore. Also, I really hate cleaning up, so my room is in a big mess (laugh). That's why, I'm actually not a typical blood type A. I'll say that it doesn't have anything to do with blood types.

* My favorite music is western music
I like Justin Timberlake and Timbaland who produces for a lot of artistes because the music they create is cool. Lately I like Akon too. The rhythm makes me feel like dancing and the music sounds cool. The first CD I bought was that of anime "Rurouni Kenshin". (laugh)

* After turning 24, I'll give myself more challenges!
Dancing lesson is my current "my boom". Dance is something that can be conveyed even without a common language. I think dance by Japanese is more about the fine techniques than the power we see in foreigners. That's why I wanted to improve my dance so I have been going for dance lessons since the end of last year. I just turned 24 but even if I'm now an adult, I'm still a child on the inside. The 'present' only happens once, so I want to do things that I can only do now and give myself more and more challenges.

"Who is the most ______ member?"

Q1 Who is brought to tears most easily?
A: Koyama I guess. He's soft hearted in a good way.

Q2 Who is the fittest member?
A: This has to be Masuda-kun who did rescue work (laugh).

Q3 Who eats the most?
A: Eats the most...... Everyone eats a lot but I guess it's me.
Since I was in high school, whenever I eat ramen I have to eat it with rice. It feels salty if it's just the ramen so I have to eat it with rice... By the way, I'm not picky about food.

Q4 Who has a good sense of humor?
A: Shige is very funny during concert MCs.

Q5 Who is the most gentlemanly?
A: I can't really choose...... But I don't think it's me (laugh). Other than people I like, I'm basically cold to others (laugh).

As requested by watchful21

Koyama Keiichiro

Koyama Keiichiro the eldest group member. He said he's the type that's concerned about others' blood types. Kei-chan, who made his stage play 'Call' a huge success, is actually going through intense training at a karate school. The days of him as the most 'combative' johnny's is drawing near?!

*Quite a romantic
'Koi no ABO' is a disco song. I quite like disco songs. I liked it immediately because my Mom listened to Earth, Wind & Fire a lot! I'm a Type O, and just like the lyrics in 'Koi no ABO', I'm really a romantic. But I'm not a "Pride Everest" (laugh). I've bought books on blood type and not just my own but also books on other blood types. I think it's pretty accurate. I'm not really particular about compatibility but it seems that Type O and B are compatible, so if the person I like is a Type B I'll be happy!!

*I want many opportunities to perform
I want more activities as a singer but I also want to challenge myself in stage plays and dramas! Especially in acting!! I want to have many opportunities to perform. And NEWS still don't have our own show so I hope that all six of us can have a variety show with skits and so on like 'SMAPXSMAP'. It's okay even if it's a late-night show!! We're now into our sixth year of formation and I wonder how much we'd all have grown in our tenth year. I want to put in my best effort as we work towards our tenth year.

*My goal is the black belt
I'm into karate lately. I've only started it recently but it's very fun. I was introduced to it when I was injured and told that it'll make my body stronger. There are times when I can't make it because of work but I go for practice at least once a week. It's my first time doing combative sports. In the past I did baseball. Even though most would think that I'm not very good at it, I hope there'll be a chance for me to show what I can do. I'm a blue belt now. Next is the yellow belt and I'm gradually getting closer to the black belt. I want enter competitions too. I think no one else in Johnny's is doing karate.

"Who is the most ______ member?"

Q1 Who is brought to tears most easily?
A: Tegoshi will definitely cry when he's watching documentaries. We were both watching in our dressing room and both of us cried. Sometimes the others will come in and be like "What are you two crying for?" (laugh).

Q2 Who is the fittest member?
A: Masuda-kun. He was in 'RESCUE' and I think he's truly the fittest among us. I think I'm third.

Q3 Who eats the most?
A: Shige. We eat together very often and he eats a lot. When I can't finish up my food he'll eat it up for me.

Q4 Who has a good sense of humor?
A: This has to be Nishikido-kun. Because Ryo-chan is from Kansai. He can make jibes that the rest of us can't. I think he's sharp.

Q5 Who is the most gentlemanly
A: YamaP. He's a gentleman. And he's very calm. He'll foot the bill when we have dinner together, he's a gentleman. I'm the eldest but I'm not the most matured. I'm the most bullied one and it's as if I'm the youngest in the group. I hang out a lot with the youngest Tego too.

Nishikido Ryo

Blood type is something like the "statistical mathematics that differs among individuals" said Nishikido Ryo doesn't fit perfectly in any blood type but knows himself very well. His devotion to music and his stance of enjoying life is the charm of Nishikido Ryo who is active in multiple genres?

*A new side of NEWS can be seen!
I think a new side of NEWS can be seen with our new song this time. I think it's good to buy the CD and remember the song. It's a fun song so I'll be glad if everyone can sing and dance to it on many occasions! It's a song with a blood type theme but I hope listeners won't think too much about it and just enjoy the mood of the song together. The song 'Share' included in the regular edition is the first song composed by all members of NEWS. It's very rare for us to sing about our feelings and I think it was a very good try for a first attempt. Everyone, please buy it!!

* I love artistes who sounds cool live
I like Saito Kazuyoshi-san and Red Hot Chili Peppers and I have all their albums on my music player. I've also converted their live videos and out them in my player. I've also been to their concerts! I love artistes who sounds cool live. I get excited at when I attend rock concerts, it's really fun when everyone can get high together! That's why recently, I bought Saito-san's Live DVD and Shiina Ringo-san's 'Ringo EXPO 08'.

*I treat my activities with NEWS and my solo activities with the same sense of responsibility
For solo activities, because I'm on my own so I can do it in anyway I like but the results reflects on yourself alone. When I'm working as NEWS there isn't really this feeling "let's all do it this way because we're a group!", so it's not really different from when I'm alone. I think if I don't treat them with the same sense of responsibility, the group won't be able to go on.

"Who is the most ______ member?"

Q1 Who is brought to tears most easily?
A: Koyama-kun. He cries a lot~(laugh). He cried the most when NEWS was revived too.

Q2 Who is the fittest member?
A: Tegoshi. I think Tegoshi is fit. And it seems that he plays soccer a lot.

Q3 Who eats the most?
A: Shige. He eats a lot. Well everyone eats a lot but somehow it's him (laugh).

Q4 Who has a good sense of humor?
A: Shige! He's very funny. Everyone laughs a lot at what Shige says.

Q5 Who is the most gentlemanly?
A: YamaP. For example, he will just answer questions for us very quickly during press conferences and so on. He brings the group together when there's a need to get organized.

Masuda Takahisa

Masuda Takahisa's charm is his fresh and soothing image and his cute smile. You can't take your eyes off 'Massu' who has now become even fitter with an added masculine charm after his role as a tough Super Ranger in 'RESCUE'!

*I want to dance to our new song merrily with everyone!
It was really refreshing to do this 80s' dance tune that NEWS have never done before! There's a lot of energy in this and it's a song that I really want to perform live. The PV was interesting too. It's set in a disco-like venue and we gathered many ojii-chan and dancers of our age and everyone danced to it happily. It was like "let's all have fun"! The theme of the lyrics is blood types and it was interesting. I'm Type O and is a 'Pride Everest' like what the lyrics say (laughs). I'm such a typical Type O that almost whatever is written in the guide to Type O applies to me (laugh).

*I hope I can finally go to the beach this summer!
I have a goal for summer. That is to go to the beach! I hope to finally be able to go to the beach with my friends this summer! To tell the truth, I've never played at the beach in Japan in private. I've done that overseas. I want to say "let's go to the beach" to my friends. I want to treat these very ordinary matters importantly.

*I fulfilled one of my dreams through 'RESCUE'
Even though the filming was very tough, it gave me four months of precious experience and allowed me to learn a lot. I'm really thankful for 'RESCUE'. I received rescue training before filming and was taught many things during filming and because of that I've learned the rescue techniques. I can also easily descend from a tall building using a rope. I can descend very efficiently no matter what is the emergency situation in tall buildings (laugh). The more acting I do, the more enjoyable I find it. I've always wanted to be in a drama like 'RESCUE' and now that dream has come true. So next time, I hope to challenge myself in a role that's beyond my imagination.

"Who is the most ______ member?"

Q1 Who is brought to tears most easily?
A: Isn't that Koyama? No, maybe it's Tegoshi. He said he cried while watching TV. I do not cry easily at all. But of course, I've cried before (laugh).

Q2 Who is the fittest member?
A: Isn't that Tegoshi? He plays soccer. I'm not strong at all. I've not stamina at all.

Q3 Who eats the most?
A: Koyama? He eats a lot. Overwhelming amount. He can eat 2 portions by himself and during a certain period he was really eating a lot!

Q4 Who has a good sense of humor?
A: Who would that be? Sense of humor... I have no idea. Nobody plays with words. Maybe we're not competing in this area (laugh).

Q5 Who is the most gentlemanly?
A: I think it's Yamashita-kun. He looks like he can behave the most gentlemanly. I... I don't really get to escort people so I don't know how. But I think it's better to know how to behave gentlemanly.

Kato Shigeaki

Be it movies, music or acting, once he finds something interesting, the studious Kato Shigeaki will devote himself to it completely. Right now, he is fascinated with cutting up fish that he had caught himself and eating it! And to become an Italian for his role in his stage play?!

*A pretty naughty new song
When I first heard the new song, I was shocked because it wasn't a NEWS-like song. I didn't expect such a 'naughty' song because to date, our songs have been mostly rap-like melodies with a refreshing feel. But I got really into it after singing it and it's easy to remember. Blood type? I think I'm the type that would be bothered by it. The ones I quarrel with are always type B so I'd try not to get too close to the type Bs (laugh). But on the other hand, the ones that I like tend to be type Bs.

* I want to host a talk show with NEWS
I like listening to music from naughty bands. Like the disbanded ELLEGARDEN, and lately RADWIMPS. I was also happy to learn of UNICORN's reunion! I buy the original soundtracks of movies too. Tarantino's movie OSTs are cool. I hope to be in a movie someday. And I hope to direct a movie myself someday, even just once in my life. With NEWS, I hope we can have our own show. Because the six of us rarely get to chat, so I think there'll be new discoveries if we have a talk show (laugh).

* I want to thoroughly face up to the challenge of acting with this stage play
Stage play 'Seminar' will start this 17th May. It's a story about one man's troubles and it seems like I will have to face up to the challenge of acting. I hope the audience will be able to feel the "portrayal". First, I have to become an Italian (laugh). Personally, I'm now fascinated with fishing. I'll cut up the fish I catch myself and cook it. I've been so busy cutting up fish that I've no time to watch movies lately (laugh). Arashi's Ono-kun is also asking me to go tuna fishing with him. I was like "Tuna~?!" when I heard that though (laugh).

"Who is the most ______ member?"

Q1 Who is brought to tears most easily?
A: Massu. He cried when NEWS was revived and he has the image of crying over almost any touching scene. Like manly tears.

Q2 Who is the fittest member?
A: Massu. Because he acted in 'RESCUE'. (Did he change before and after 'RESCUE'?) We meet very often so actually he has been very fit since the past.

Q3 Who eats the most?
A: That's also Massu (laugh) it's all Massu. It's not that he eats a lot but he's constantly eating.

Q4 Who has a good sense of humor?
A: Maybe it's me. I love watching stand-up comedians. I like surreal stand-up comedy and just love 'Yasei Bakudan'. I like Itao Itsuji too.

Q5 Who is the most gentlemanly?
A: Yamashita-kun. He's gentle and considerate. Maybe it's also because he's my senpai but when we're out together, he'll foot the bill too.

Tegoshi Yuya

The youngest member, Tegoshi Yuya. But he displays an outstanding presence with his natural singing ability. Of course his dance is also something to look out for. "Singing and dancing". It appears that his new charm will be revealed with their new song 'Koi no ABO'.

*I'm glad I'm a Type B
It's a song you can't forget after listening to it once. 'Blood Type Personality Tests' are very popular now but I think I don't really judge a person based on his/her blood type. But I am glad that I'm a Type B. I can recover from a setback quickly and in a good way I don't really care about what goes on around me. I don't dislike people either. Isn't that very typical of Type B.

*The type to act immediately
Also, I think the difference between when I'm having fun and when I'm not is very obvious. Again, this is very typical of Type B, isn't it? It's the same for work. It's low when I have a serious scene in a drama but conciously high during a concert. I'm a 'shy person' so when I'm on the drama set in the beginning, my mood is low. But there are times when I'll loosen up as filming progress and in the end, my mood will be high. Also, I often act on instinct! If I start to think about it I won't be able to take action. I think I'm the type that acts immediately.

*Whether it's with NEWS or on a personal leve, I want to increase my exposure
I love concerts so I want to go all over Japan on concert tours. Whether it's on variety shows, movies, dramas or as 'Tegomass' I am strongly in favor of any opportunity for more exposure. I like both variety shows and dramas but I think variety shows are more enjoyable. Dramas are very big on mood, right? There are light-hearted ones and there are dark ones. But, I think this thing like the "degree of engrossment" which varies according to your experience is fun. Variety shows can also make you laugh hard. Both have their enjoyable points.

"Who is the most ______ member?"

Q1 Who is brought to tears most easily?
A: Me? And maybe Kei-chan. When we watch documentaries while recording TV shows, we often find our eyes flowing with tears.

Q2 Who is the fittest member?
A: Me? I play sports when I'm free. I'm into soccer and futsal now. My position is the forward.

Q3 Who eats the most?
A: Umm, maybe Shige? I don't really eat much. I don't have any food I dislike so I'm not picky when it comes to food. Shige will always eat portions for two and when I can't finish my bento he'll finish it up for me.

Q4 Who has a good sense of humor?
A: ...This is tough. Maybe Kei-chan? Kei-chan is the eldest but he's missing quite a few screws (laugh). He warms up the atmosphere. He's the mood maker of the group.

Q5 Who is the most gentlemanly?
A: It's a goal, I hope it'll be me. Normally, I try to keep "ladies first" in mind. I hope I can be a gentleman.

Thanks for reading.

tvnavi, news, translation

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