[Translation] Only★Star 20090504

Apr 25, 2009 22:21

This is basically a translation of whatever text was in the Only★Star scans posted by watchful21 .
Group interview and individual Q&As of all members included.
Even if you don't read the group interview just read the parts in blue. One was being mischievous while the other was a klutz XD

Since the resolution wasn't very good for Ryo, Shige, Massu and Tegoshi's individual Q&A there might be some mistakes.
That said, enjoy the random and baka moments...

Isn't the new NEWS great too?

The new upbeat song "Koi no ABO" used in the "RUSS ・ K" CM featuring the members. What do the six of them feel about this hyperactive song that NEWS have never done before?! It's the beginning of a new NEWS in the 6th year since their debut!!

NEWS Interview
A new song NEWS has never done before that's full of freshness

---New song "Koi no ABO" is a very fun and happy love song, and it seems like NEWS has brought out a side of themselves that had never been seen before. What did each of you feel about the song when you first heard it?
Koyama: I thought it was very disco-like. NEWS' songs so far are very 'daytime' but this one is a little "nighttime" with a very glittery atmosphere, and I was thinking we'd be able to have fun with the music video.
Kato: To be honest, I was surprised. I never imagined that NEWS would sing a song like this (wry laugh). In the beginning there were 2 songs to choose from, and members got to choose from them. In the end, this song was the unanimous choice...... I think everyone chose it because they liked it.
Nishikido: It's really something that we've never done before and it was refreshing.
Masuda: For me......, from the moment I heard it, I already had the image of us getting really excited during the lives. Most of NEWS' songs are pretty gentle and I think it's good to have an edgier song like this that can make us stand out once in a while.
Yamashita: Right now, there are lots of uncertainty about the future and just many depressing stories around us, isn't it? So by hearing us sing this song cheerfully and enjoyably, maybe it will give those listeners some sense of hope.

---What about Tegoshi-san?
Tegoshi: I love it.
---Especially which part?
Tegoshi: (In haste) Eh, well......
Kato: It's impossible, to point it out so quickly (laugh)
Tegoshi: (Smiling brightly) The start and the end included some parts that YamaP choreographed so I hope everyone can have fun with it in the karoke or something.
Koyama: I want to go to the karaoke as a business trip. Like when everyone is getting excited and enjoying themselves, we'll get called in, sing and dance one song and then go home.

---Into the 6th year since your debut, but there are still new sides to NEWS that we're still discovering and we feel there is a lot of potential in NEWS. Are there any new discoveries into the roles each of you play in the group after coming across this song?
Koyama: (Finishing the coffee in one go and making a face like it tasted terrible) Hmm?
---What's wrong?
Koyama: Ah, nothing. (His face turns serious immediately) New discoveries? I had this thought when when we were filming the music video. We've never been this goofy before and I thought, "We can actually do something like this too".

---Taking into account the growth you have made, do you have a sense that you can do this now because of who you are now?
Masuda: Ah! (The ingredients of the burger he was eating dropped onto the leather strap of the recorder) S-sorry! (Runs off to get a tissue immediately)
Everyone: (LOL)
---It's okay, please don't mind it.
Masuda: Really sorry! (Wiping it vigorously with a wet tissue)
Nishikido: I'll definitely hate it if anyone does that to me~(laugh)
Koyama, Kato, Tegoshi, Yamashita: (In unison) Sorry!

---It's really okay. (laugh) Let's get back on track. Are there any phrases you like in "Koi no ABO"?
Kato: The very last line, (singing along) ♪Let's fall in love Let's fall in love The ABO of love~ where the title finally comes out. Somehow, I like the impatience in it.
Nishikido: For me, erm, (singing along too) ♪Everyone has their good and bad points Isn't that the reality? I think I like this part. To put it a little seriously, when I apply it on myself I feel my heart skipping a beat (wry laugh)
Masuda: I like the B melody. (Singing along again) ♪Popular and hip Bump Let's dance. My line comes after this but I like the playfulness of it. (During this time, the stain on the leather strap was removed with Massu's vigorous wiping)

Getting excited together during the lives and cheer on each other's feeling of love!

---We were a little affected by the burger incident (laugh), but let's get back to the question we were at. Was there anything you discovered about yourself after coming across this song?
Nishikido: Hmm... Frankly, we're just done with the recording and filming of the music video so I still don't know what this song means to us as a group. I think that for songs, there are some things that you will only start to see when you perform it before an audience. Especially for this song, I'm looking forward to see how we can let this song grow in future as we perform it before the audience and have fun over it.
Yamashita: I think this song is like a "curve ball" for us more than a high road. (Note: Basically means that he thinks it's not something they get to do all the time) Anyway, it was fun to sing this song. This might be the greatest discovery.

---For the song this time, the charming point is the playfulness that we've never seen before, but the lyrics make it a love song. I think many NEWS fans see the members as a boyfriend candidate, so what image of "love" do you have when you're singing this song?
Yamashita: Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying at all! (laugh)

---Well, I mean, after listening to "Koi no ABO", I feel that it is a song that is more about spontaneous, casual love than deep love, so what does everyone think about love like this?
Yamashita: I get it, I'll work hard! (Thinks for a while) ...... Erm, for the lyrics of this song, I think it is just a song that's simply encouraging everyone to go fall in love. Whether those feelings are deep or shallow, we just want to encourage people to just fall in love. That's all.
Masuda: Yes, yes. Like, why don't we fall in love and get tight?
---What does that mean? (laugh)
Masuda: (Anxious) Eh? Well...... I think everyone has a different take on "tight". And I think they can find it by being in love. (laugh)
---So, what is "tight" to Nishikido-san?
Nishikido: (Caught unexpectedly he answers with a surprised look) Me? You'll hug each other when you are in love right? Since you're hugging each other then isn't it good to do it tightly?
Yamashita: Ahaha. But I hope you won't think too much about it and just enjoy the song. That's it.

NEWS is still developing
As they accumulate the 'now' with high spirits and self-awareness...

---Do you guys always sing with the intent of conveying something?
Yamashita: I'll be glad if they can feel the energy from us. We're in a position where it's possible for us to convey a message, so I think it's better for us to convey things that are positive all the time.
Tegoshi: My feelings are the same whether I'm singing on TV or concerts or when I'm acting. No matter what, I'll just do my best. It would make me really happy if people watching us can think about working hard today too, or even when they meet with hard times, they'll think about overcoming it.

---I think it's difficult for those sending a message to always keep themselves in a neutral state of mind. Just like what Yamashita-san said about being "in the position to convey a message", is there anything that you keep in mind all the time?
Nishikido: I don't think there's anything concrete that we do just because we want to convey our energy. Instead, I think it's important that we do our best in everything we do. I think it's about your mind. We need to have a strong mind to seriously carry out whatever that we have to do. I think that's the only thing......
Yamashita: (very decisively) The spirit. Like I said before this, we need to be aware that we're setting an example. And that awareness comes naturally when you have fans telling you "I'll try my best even when life gets tough". I think the spirit and passion to do our best at work is something that starts to build up because there are people giving us their support.

---Who do you think has matured the most 6 years after your debut?
Kato: Based on appearance......, it's Tegoshi.
Tegoshi: (Smiling brightly) But, I think everyone has changed in a good way.

---You guys were in your teens when you made your debut and now you're all in your twenties.
Nishikido: Ah, that's true. Everyone was self-absorbed during their teens but after turning into adults, I think we started to have this "self-awareness" like what YamaP said earlier.

---Why don't each of you take this opportunity to convey your feelings of gratitude for the past 6 years to the rest of the group?
Yamashita: (Immediately) That's embarrassing! (wry laugh)

---Is there anything that was a challenge when you first debuted but managed to overcome it in the process?
Nishikido: Like what I've said before, there isn't really any big challenge but each and every little thing is alway a challenge for us. All of us working hard to sing and perform "Koi no ABO", to make it a song that's enjoyable for everyone is also a challenge for us.
Kato: Yeah, we're working hard to sell as many CDs as possible.

---The members are also getting more solo projects but what are the times when you feel great about being in NEWS?
Kato: I truly felt that I am who I am because of NEWS after I started working on my solo stage play.
Koyama: NEWS is created when all of our individual personality comes together and I really like how we are one of a kind.
Masuda: Just simply because it's fun in our dressing room.
Tegoshi: The energy is amazing when the 6 of us get together. I think it's all because of NEWS that we can hold a concert in Tokyo Dome.

---Do you get the feeling that NEWS is evolving as a group?
Yamashita: I think we're still developing. Ultimately, everything is the accumulation of moments of "now", so I hope that fans won't miss any part of this path we're taking.
---Thank you.
Koyama: Thank you for your hard work! Oi, Tegoshi, you put lots of sugar in my coffee just now, didn't you!
Tegoshi: Eh? What are you talking about? I have no idea~ (he said this while smiling brightly and headed for his next work location)

---------- Only★Star 30th Anniversary - NEWS -----------
"We remember being extremely nervous and we just did our best"
Yamashita: In our case, the debut was pretty complicated. First, we released this song "NEWS Nippon" (Nov 2003) that was only sold in convenience stores, and that was the theme song for the Volleyball World Cup. Our proper CD debut was "Kibou~Yell~" (May 2004) released the next year.
Koyama: Yes, yes. The staff kept saying "It's a project, it's a project!" to us.
Kato: I didn't know why everyone kept saying it's a "project"...... (laugh) Anyway, I was thinking that even though "NEWS Nippon" was released, we can't say that it's our debut.

---"Kibou~Yell~" released on May 2004 debuted at no. 1 on the charts.
Tegoshi: I was happy to see it at no. 1. Of course, I'm always happy whenever we make it to no. 1.
Masuda: At that time, the costume for our music video was a suit with rose prints. Somehow, I just felt energetic when I wore that.
Nishikido: I just remember being extremely nervous. But everyone really did their best then and when I look at the videos now I'm like, "Oh, we actually did it properly." I feel shy saying that.

---Since then, the singles released have all debuted at no. 1.
Koyama: It's all thanks to our fans. We'll continue to work hard so as not to betray the support that our fans have given us.

The questions below were posed by fans.

Yamashita Tomohisa

Q1 What are the 3 best love songs from NEWS'?
A: No. 1 is "Murarisuto". No. 2 is "SNOW EXPRESS", No. 3 is "Chirarizumu" . I chose them based on my mood today.

Q2 If NEWS were to be a family, who would fit the role of father, mother, elder brother, younger brother, grandpa and pet?
A: Since I'm the eldest son in reality, I'll be the elder brother. The rest......I'm very sorry but I'm really bad at this so I can't fit them to the roles. Please forgive me! (Laugh)

Q3 The song "Share" was performed during the Tokyo Dome live. What did you enjoy most about composing the song with the members?
A: It was tough putting the parts that everyone created separately into one song. It was fun but tough.

Q4 If you were to host a TV program, what would you want it to be?
A: I want a TV program like "Ii tabi yume kibun" (Note: Basically a travel programme where they visit onsens! Just imagine NEWS and onsen LOL http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/iitabi/)

Q5 Please tell us about the moments when you can feel member love?
A: When we gather in a circle before the concerts and so on, I feel the team work like "we're going to work hard together!".

Q6 Do you have a lot of ad libs when you are acting in dramas?
A: It depends on the drama, but I had a lot on "Nobuta wo Produce". It was 70% ad libs and there was a pairing of me and Kame where he has to respond to my ad libs.

Q7 Yamashita-kun was said to be a "my pace" type of person on radio, so please tell us an episode that made you think, "Ah I'm really very 'my pace'"?
A: I'm not aware that I'm being "my pace" so I don't know. But being "my pace" is basically just being self-centred, right? If that's the case then I'm making people feel "Damn you!" (laugh)

Q8 What's the secret behind your ability to update your open diary everyday on Johnny's Web?
A: It gets easier when you just think that even one sentence is fine. I think it's important to work on it with a light heart.

Koyama Keiichiro

Q1 What are the 3 best love songs from NEWS'?
A: I can't decide on the ranking but if I had to choose three songs they would be "Cherish", "Bambina" and "Ai no matador".

Q2 If NEWS were to be a family, who would fit the role of father, mother, elder brother, younger brother, grandpa and pet?
A: The father would be the Ryo-chan who is like our pillar of support. I'd be the mother, YamaP the elder brother, Massu the younger brother, Shige the grandpa. And, Tegoshi would be the pet I guess. Because that guy just makes you feel like you have to dote on him. (Laugh)

Q3 The song "Share" was performed during the Tokyo Dome live. What did you enjoy most about composing the song with the members?
A: Each one of us wrote the lyrics separately so when we got together we felt shy and embarrassed knowing what everyone was thinking.

Q4 Do you mind about the girl's blood type when you are in love?
A: I will just ask her about her blood type and if it's the hard to attain Type B then I'll be like "Eh?" but I'll work hard. (laugh)

Q5 Please tell us about the moments when you can feel member love?
A: I can feel the love when we pass by each other during the lives and do a hi-five.

Q6 Koyama-kun is good at hosting, so are there any pointers you can give to speaking well?
A: Even when I mis-pronounce the words, I'll just act confident and say "Even I'll stumble on my words" and shrug it off.

Q7 Koyama-kun is someone that everyone can depend on but if you were to depend on someone in NEWS, who would that be?
A: YamaP. No matter what I talk to him about, it feels like he is very consistent and clear-minded.

Q8 Which member would you like to switch places with for 1 day?
A: Tegoshi-kun. Because he's very B blood type.

Q9 What did you learn from your experience in stage play?
A: Stage plays are live so you have to concentrate and that is tiring but very satisfying. I think stage play is the most fulfilling work.

Nishikido Ryo

Q1 What are the 3 best love songs from NEWS'?
A: Can I choose from the special units? If so then, "Miso Soup", "Kiss~Kaeri michi no love song~" and "Aiai gasa", For NEWS songs......"Cherish", "SUMMER TIME" and "weeeek".

Q2 If NEWS were to be a family, who would fit the role of father, mother, elder brother, younger brother, grandpa and pet?
A: Well......(Thinks for a bit then very speedily) Shige is the father, YamaP is the mother, Koyama-kun is the elder brother, Tegoshi is the younger brother, and grandpa? Well, that's me. Then, Massu is the pet.

Q3 Do you mind about the girl's blood type when you are in love?
A: I think I will ask about it when we're talking at first. It'll be a way to open up more topics to talk about.

Q4 If you were to host a TV program, what would you want it to be?
A: Dokkiri! (Note: Where you play a trick on somebody and surprise them) I'll be the one being surprised. Isn't it interesting to be surprised each time?

Q5 Do you have any experience of getting too into character during your dramas?
A: No. Maybe it's because I can switch it on and off. When it's "action!" I'll do my best but when it's off time, I'm not held back by the character I play.

Q6 What are the memorable birthday presents you have received from the members?
A: I received an effects unit. (Note: For electric guitar) One that distorts the sounds. All the members chipped in and bought that for me. I keep it at home now.

Q7 What's your most embarrassing experience ever?
A: Let's see...... When I was in elementary school, I didn't know about it and I didn't prepare a bento but just tore up pieces of bread, put it in my lunchbox and went to school. Then, during lunch, I hid somewhere and ate alone. (Did you forget about it instead of not knowing about it?) No, I didn't know about it, until the day itself. (laugh)

Kato Shigeaki

Q1 What are the 3 best love songs from NEWS'?
A: No. 1 is "Forever, No. 2 "SNOW EXPRESS" and No. 3 is "Cherish"

Q2 If NEWS were to be a family, who would fit the role of father, mother, elder brother, younger brother, grandpa and pet?
A: Ah. This is difficult. (Slowly) YamaP is the ......father, Koyama is the mother, Nishikido-kun is the elder brother, Massu is the younger brother, I'm the grandpa and Tegoshi is the pet.

Q3 Do you mind about the girl's blood type when you are in love?
A: I try not to mind it but I think I will still ask her about her blood type. I won't think much about whether it makes us compatible or incompatible. Just as a data.

Q4 If you were to host a TV program, what would you want it to be?
A: (thinks for quite a while) ......I want to chat calmly. With a guest. Even if it's not funny, we'll just move on very freely.

Q5 You still have one year of college life left, is there anything you want to do before you graduate?
A: I want to keep a close relationship with my friends.

Q6 I felt like putting on a wig like the long one that Tegoshi put on during your concert, what did you think when you saw him?
A: Surprisingly it suited him very well, it was funny!

Q7 Kato-kun is interested in photography, so which member of NEWS is the best photography subject?
A: Koyama. He is always catches the camera's eye.

Q8 What are you most looking forward to for your stage play starting in May?
A: (Masuda suddenly goes next to him) "Kissing scene! (laugh)" (He tries to block that while saying seriously) It's my first time and everything is new to me but I hope that I can get to know the co-actors well. I hope we'll be able to have dinners together but I'll also do my acting properly!

Masuda Takahisa

Q1 What are the 3 best love songs from NEWS'?
A: I can't rank them but I'll choose "Cherish", "Kesenai" and "SUMMER TIME". My friends also told me that "Cherish" is a good song.

Q2 If NEWS were to be a family, who would fit the role of father, mother, elder brother, younger brother, grandpa and pet?
A: Nishikido-kun is the father, Yamashita is the mother, Koyama is the elder brother, Tegoshi is the younger brother. Shige is the pet. I can be the grandpa.

Q3 The song "Share" was performed during the Tokyo Dome live. What did you enjoy most about composing the song with the members?
A: That everyone was not punctual in handing up the lyrics. No one wrote the lyrics even 1 month after the deadline.

Q4 What's the most surprising action of a member?
A: Yamashita-kun takes very good care of his leather jackets and wears them a a long time but he keeps leaving his cellphone behind. This gap is good. (laugh)

Q5 Who is the most reliable member?
A: No one, isn't it? (laugh) I'm the type who try my best if someone asks me to do something. (smiling face)

Q6 Please tell us some bits of knowledge that you learned through the drama "RESCUE".
A: Not bits of knowledge but I really learned a lot. There were many things to learn, like how to react to emergencies and how to use a rope.

Q7 Please tell us about the moments when you can feel member love?
A: When all the members went to watch Koyama's stage play. The frivolous character was perfect for Koyama. Or rather it was just him (laughs)

Q8 Masuda-san is always smiley and cute but what do you do to get yourself out of the blues when you feel depressed?
A: When I'm depressed, I'll not force myself to do anything and just let it go naturally. I think I'll listen to music I like and read fashion magazines.

Tegoshi Yuya

Q1 What are the 3 best love songs from NEWS'?
A: No. 1 "Forever". I like the lyrics that says I'll love you forever. No. 2 is "Cherish". No. 3 is "Kimi omou yoru".

Q2 If NEWS were to be a family, who would fit the role of father, mother, elder brother, younger brother, grandpa and pet?
A: First of all, I'm the pet, isn't it? (laughs) Shige will be the Grandpa. Yamashita-kun is the father, Koyama is the mother, Nishikido-kun is the elder brother and Massu is the younger brother.

Q3 The song "Share" was performed during the Tokyo Dome live. What did you enjoy most about composing the song with the members?
A: At first I was really embarrassed to show them my lyrics but it was very interesting to see what the everyone wrote. By the way, my lyrics came to me when I was walking in Shibuya.

Q4 What's the most surprising action of a member?
A: Yamashita-kun leaves his cellphones or wallets behind everywhere he goes. Saying "Thanks for your hard work" and then he'll just forget them. He's usually a steady person but I think these misses are also part of his charm. (laugh)

Q5 If you were to perform a song that you composed the lyrics and music to with a member, who would it be?
A: Yamashita-kun writes very straightforward lyrics that I can identify with. I would like to write a mushy love song with him.

Q6 Who do you like to imitate the most at the moment?
Kuwata Keisuke-san (laughs)

Q7 I heard that you are very playful backstage, are there any hilarious episodes?
A: Basically, I'll just keep disturbing the members. Such as sticking Yamashita-kun's boots to the floor with tape. Because I'm the repeat offender so when anything happens, they'll look at me first. (laugh)

Q8 Is there anything you've said that you're embarrassed about?
A: I basically have no idea what embarrassment is about. (laugh)

Thanks for reading!

news, only★star, translation

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