[Translation] NEWS Purely Calendar 2009

Mar 20, 2009 18:26

Finally a new single on 29th April! But I do not have a good feeling about a song named "恋の ABO". Well it does sound like the cheerful pop that NEWS is so good at so I hope this one does well. And I want those limited edition RUSS-K T-shirts! I really need to look into a way to study or work in Japan XD
And yes, here's a translation of the short segment from their calendar. Not surprisingly about purity and innocence. I really liked Massu's part about how he is always giving 100% and not settling for less.

Yamashita Tomohisa

Something like your personality is nearly all decided by the time you're in junior high, right?! I think basically I've not changed since then. To put it less nicely, it means that I've not matured at all (laugh), or to put it nicely, I think it means that I've not wavered at all~ Maybe behind these feelings of not wanting to change is my strong yearning for purity and innocence. As you grow older you begin to lose these feelings. But I hope to meet someone or something that can refrain from putting a brake on their own actions or desires and just go headlong into it saying "I just like it!" and "I just want to do it!"
No matter if it's at work, in private or in love......ne.

Koyama Keiichiro

What I'm just purely feeling right now is "to become, even just by a little, a kinder person today than I was yesterday." With the kindness I have, I can make someone smile, or feel love...... I think there are many things that I can do precisely because I'm in this line of work. Nothing will make me happier than to have my feelings conveyed to as many people as possible and start to make everyone become kinder people.
First of all, no one will hate being treated kindly in any case, so I'm certain that love can spread on from there.
That's why I hope that I can continue to feel this way forever in the future.

Nishikido Ryo

The part of me that is pure? It doesn't exist~ (laugh). Nah, I'll show a sleepy face when I'm sleepy, I'll be irritated and say I'm hungry when I'm hungry. I'm the type that tends to just show what I'm feeling and thinking as it is so if you want to call that purity then I guess it can be called purity (bitter laugh).
No matter what, I just hate lying to myself, so I want to act according to my feelings all the time so I've never thought about whether that's a good or bad thing. But......
If there's anyone who is not pleased with my actions, then what about if I just push away my true feelings (Jpn: honne)? I'm finally beginning to think that way recently. I'm already an adult so this year I want to be someone who can balance the use of both my true feelings (Jpn: honne) and words (Jpn: tatemae).

Masuda Takahisa

Even though it's weird to be saying this myself, but I try my best at everything. I'm the type who will lose all motivation or rather just dread doing anything the moment I start to think "Oh well! I'll just do something about it......" When I do anything I'll give it my 100% and if it's going to be done in a lackadaisical fashion it'll be a zero in the end.
That's why I hope that I can always do everything with an attitude like "Yossha, let's do it~!" Once I start to think "Ahh, whatever", I'll really start to feel like anything will do (bitter laugh). Well, such things don't happen very often though.
I don't have the cleverness to do things in a moderate manner so I don't want to ever forget the passion I have when I'm pitching with all I have.

Kato Shigeaki

What's the unchanged part of myself? Well, I've become an adult normally and there will be changes in life, so this means that there will always be unavoidable changes, that's right......
One thing unchanged that I really want to treasure is to be "as I am" no matter what happens.
Because even if I lie, it'll be exposed immediately anyway (laugh), so in order not to make any weird mistakes, I think nothing works better than to not lie in the first place.
"I want to do what I want to do!" "I don't want to do what I don't want to do!", I listen to what my heart tells me and act accordingly.
If you don't that, then what can you trust about yourself? I believe that it is linked to that at the end of the day. That's why, my belief is always simple. I'll be myself. I think that's good enough.

Tegoshi Yuya

For work or sports, what you would call the pure-mindedness at the beginning, is the strength of those innocent thoughts like "I'll mature!" or "I don't want to lose!" That's why, those who desire to improve themselves or those who has the heart to take up challenges in anything = "Someone with a pure heart". That's how I see it.
I'm also sticking with this innocence or rather, I want to be able to keep a pure heart and never forget the "curiousity" or "desire" to just challenge everything.
At the moment, this feeling has never wavered and I hope that I can stay this way as I grow older, I want to be someone like this.

HQ clear scans can be found at inala 's LJ.

Thanks for reading.
Please do not repost without permission.

news, translation, calendar

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