[Translation] Only★Star 20090608 Shige Seminar

May 31, 2009 21:32

A brief review of the play on Only★Star.
Not much on the play itself but there are some confident elite quotes from Shige XD
It's a pity most of us won't get to watch this play D:

NEWS' Kato Shigeaki will take on his first full scale stage play!  His entertainment show "Konnan yatte mimashita" is still fresh in our memories. We were surprised by the number of tricks he had up his sleeves then but his approach to his tough role this time drew a sigh.
The play is set in a seminar house in suburban Florence, Italy. An American university student Loren is found unconscious at the water fountain in its garden. His fellow classmates and assistant professor rushes out...... First of all, it's a prologue with a lot of significance. The unconscious Loren is actually a white dummy and Kato explains the situation from behind. The tension that he emits will drive the audience's interest in the mystery at once.

Because it's the role of a brilliant student, there's a great number of lines and the content is difficult. But the real-life undergraduate Kato Shigeaki memorizes all of it in his usual fashion. "I marked the script with green highlighters, placed a red plastic sheet over it and covered the words to memorize it. Thanks to that I managed to do it very quickly!", he made this reassuring comment during the press conference.

The attention was on his love scenes with the actresses. First, a daring kiss with Kato Natsuki who plays the role of a student! For this kiss that lasts for 20 seconds, he has this to say, "I think that's a long time but maybe that is more realistic." And he spoke his heart about the embrace with Kaku Chikako, "It makes my heart skip a beat. But I'm actually the one who's supposed to make her heart skip a beat, so I hope I can do it calmly."

Furthermore, at the climax is a water fountain scene using real water. "We'll get into the fountain and get drenched so I guess this is the real "wet scene" [Note: Literally "wet scene" but figuratively means "sex scene"] (laugh) During that scene, I'll be absorbed in my own world so I won't be conscious of my surroundings. I think it's more realistic and beautiful that way." Just like what he said, the scene of him getting drenched and in agony was strangely beautiful. It was a stage play with strong message and I agree with Kato's following words, "I hope you will let your imagination grow as you watch it."

As requested by brocopi

only★star, shige, translation

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