Hurricane Irene

Aug 28, 2011 17:32

Today is hurricane Irene day. It's breezy out, with cooler temperatures in my area. The high winds knocked over my bell pepper plant container. I stood it back up and have tied it to the cinderblock wall in the backyard. One of my tomato plants (the tallest, that I grew from a seed from an actual grocery store tomato) was drooping heavily in its metal cage, so I straightened that one up and tied it to the wall as well. Five green tomatoes were torn from their branches, so I've brought them inside to ripen on a shelf.

I know some people are suffering from flood waters, storm damage and power outages, but we're lucky to be enjoying the cooler weather that the breezes have brought us.

tomatoes, hurricane irene, weather, storm, peppers, wind, garden

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