
Jun 28, 2011 00:42

I was outside for a little too long yesterday, and now have a sunburn. I hate putting sunscreen lotion on because when I perspire it mixes with the lotion and then runs down into my eyes and stings them.

My chives have sprouted and there are a few little green tomatoes on my plants. The Creeping Thyme plants I started last year from seeds are beginning to bloom now for the first time. The compost pile is looking pretty uninspired. I learned while researching online that compost should be pasteurized before using as plant soil. If I'd known that I might not have begun a compost pile. Pasteurizing means I'd have to take the finished compost and bake it in the oven till the bad fungus organisms are killed off. I can't see myself doing that to the many pounds of compost which will undoubtedly stink up the kitchen when baked.

sunscreen, sunburn, compost, garden

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