Yesterday, there was a pretty big accident on Sunset, the street I take to go home.....a head-on collision......
I'm fairly certain that had I not gone to buy my textbook after class, I would've been involved in that crash, either minor or major.
I remember after class thinking, "Uuuuuugh, I do NOT want to wait in line to buy that book..." but with every ounce of self control, I went to go get it because I needed it for an assignment (already!). Then I head on home....and judging from the amount of traffic (there wasn't that much), the accident hadn't happened too long ago.
It was quite the experience.
Oh's some crazy headlines to make your day:
Kids find human head on beach! 3rd graders accused of plotting to hurt teacher! The world is a scary place, my friends.
ANyway....I got LOADS of reading to do. *sigh* I have alot of assignments AND reading this quarter...but it should be relatively laid back compared to last quarter.