Jun 26, 2007 10:54
It's amazing to me how much one can learn in such a short amount of time.
The past few days have been nothing short of insane. From the highest highs, to the lowest lows, and everything in between, my life has honestly become something of a soap opera, hah. And don't get me wrong, because for the most part, I love my life and all the craziness that comes with it, but sometimes I wish I just had a little stability...
I've been entertaining the thought of moving to New York after summer, instead of San Francisco, but I'm so torn. Do I move to a city that I love, that also happens to be 3,000 miles away from everything and everyone I know? Or do I just move up north, where it's not so far and I can still pursue art? The colleges and jobs of my dreams are in New York, and I plan to move there anyways... but I don't know. If things go wrong, it's not an easy drive home. San Francisco is the logical choice... but then again, when have I ever been known to take the logical route? Hah.
Shit. This is just one of those things where I need time to make the right decision, but the clock is ticking and I feel rushed to make one now.
Ahhh, someone just make a decision for me! Hahahaha.