Nov 27, 2009 19:45
+gym today, nearly exactly an hour in the perfect headspace / bodyspace. back in that old place, trusting my body to tell me when to stop & noticing my breathing heavying without straining the periphery.
+asked by rae to design the poster for rae & ivan's new year's show in vancouver. so proud & awed that rae thought of me. i glowed when rae wrote me: I know how moving Ivan's work can be. I like that you can see that.
+haircut over the sink tonight, showered all the gunk offa my slick back & feeling my head literally get lighter.
+sudden anxious depression this evening over not having done anything productive (in a Work way) this week. lotsa talking with folks, reaching out to dot in a big way, doing self care in the way of asking kat to come over, homo gossipmongering with josh, and getting my prescription refilled at hh. a lot of community care in the way of that exec meeting, cpc brainstorm, spending that time at accm, boxchecking at qpirg. not a lot of sewing & not a lot of reading & writing, which is technically all i'm trying to go for.
+feeling kinda hott in my new hoodie, which also is a side benefit of making clothing that i certainly wasn't expecting (i expected: dapper, crafty, and proud).
+bought two huge local beers to take across the border when i go to boston: cassis & fin du monde, cos when i got right down to it to pick i realized that even though don de dieu is the homo beer, i've never tried it & i want to impress.
+i'm homesick for my nestling.