
Sep 13, 2008 23:07

I am painting my walls. I already did one room (Dexter's room), and it was such a pain in the ass. But now I've got the hang of it, and I can even cut-in along the trim and ceiling without fucking it up. The kitchen and Dexter's room are a blue-gray ("Winter Flannel"), my bathroom is a grayish sage green ("Smoky Slate"), and I'm looking for the perfect shade of beige for the living/dining room, for which I will have to hire professional painters. I am excited. Painting the walls makes it feel more like it's MY house, because it's something I did myself.

I'm thinking of having a party around Halloween. The last time I threw a party all by myself it was an X-Files party in my tiny apartment in Ann Arbor, and we watched XF episodes and played an XF drinking game I made up and ate cake and sunflower seeds. Now, I dream of throwing more mature, sophisticated parties, with wine and cheese and intelligent conversation amidst impeccably decorated surroundings. But I'm also terrified of people just sitting around, bored, not having a good time, so I have to hide behind Halloween. Halloween never lets a party down.

Dexter has been calmer lately. He is very excited when I come home, of course, but I sit on the floor and he jumps around on my lap to give me kisses for awhile, and then he settles down. It's helped putting him in doggy daycare twice a week, I think. Haha, when I picked him up after his first day, he was so exhausted he didn't even want to bother to leave his carrier. The whole evening I had to keep poking him to make sure he was still alive. I also have a tether in the backyard so he can run around safely, and that tires him out a little. When it's nice out I'll just put him on the tether and sit on the patio with my laptop, and he runs around and chases bugs and explores the grass.

Here are pictures of Dexter in the backyard, and also on the beach during our vacation up north.
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