So it kind of had to be this, this imagining which actors suit the Dresden files...

Jan 19, 2013 15:09

Have to admit, I think the guy they picked for the show looked fairly right for Harry Dresden. Apart from that, the less said about the show the better. I mean, I know it's a TV show but honestly; the books were fucking written to be perfect and what they did to everything from the universe to the names.... no. Just no.

So! To show that I couldn't do any better. Here are some of my picks :

1) Dresden. I've thought about this one. I know he's supposed to be dark-haired. So I came up with Joel McHale from Community - 

Hey, he's tall. He's rangy. He can do scruffy. He can do snarky. He's got a receding hairline and he could probably look good in the urban cowboy getup from the books. Hell, he'd look in a brown paper bag.

2) Bob the Skull

You see what I did there, TV Show People? Bob the S.K.U.L.L.

3) Karrin Murphy, as suggested on the dreamwidth casting thread, I could see as Sarah Jones:

She's blond, blue-eyed, smallish, and looks like someone's kid sister. Cute and perfect.

4) Thomas Raith. I went with Matt Bomer:

So I didn't exactly rock the boat with this one. And I know he doesn't look much like Joel McHale, but hey, they have similar jaw lines and noses... right? Right?! Oh hell. Whatever. Thomas is supposed to be pretty and Matt Bomer is definitely that.

5) 'Gentleman Johnny' Marcone. Okay, so he's not actually all that important in the books, but I have a book-crush so be quiet. Also, for some reason, though I know he's meant to be more Italian-ate than this, I keep seeing him as Thomas Gibson:

It's probably because the man can wear a suit and look intense like nobody's business. That, and Marcone's supposed to look blandly attractive, like someone's good-looking neighbour.

6) Leanansidhe. Okay, I was gonna with Marcia Cross. I mean, obvious choice - decent actress, flame-red hair, feline cast of features... she could do it:

Even the age thing might not be so difficult. Leanansidhe is supposed to be an ancient Faerie noble and Marcia Cross could off 'indeterminate age between thirty and fifty'. Since Joel McHale's gonna make for an older!Harry anyway, she'd probably fit. Dunno. Still looking.

7) Charity Carpenter. Definitely Charity Carpenter. Like, it's practically just written for Tricia Helfer:

Though. She could make an awesome Gard, too. Might need to be a little more muscular for Charity, since she's supposed to be able to make Michael's armour while raising broods of children looking like an older version of a Nordic beauty...  and then again, she'd be amazing for her ability to project intense anger, mere frustration, furious dismissal and generally terrify Harry Dresden.

8) Speaking of Michael Carpenter. I went with the obvious choice (again) and got Jeffrey Dean Morgan:

Only problem with any actor playing Michael Carpenter, you need to believe that he has integrity out the wazoo and can handle a sword. Like a proper, knights-and-ponies sword. If he can't? No dice. No way. No how. But on looks, I go with this guy.

Well, that's the list so far. I can't figure out Molly Carpenter yet because, hell, she's supposed to start out as a kid and grow up on-show. So nobody around right now. Can't get a handle on Kincaid or Nathan Hendricks, yet. About six years ago, Dakota Fanning would have made an awesome later-series Ivy (the Archive) but it's all too late now. Was thinking Kristen Stewart for Maeve (Winter Lady) but meh. Still haven't figured out the Faerie, the vampires, Susan Rodriguez, Martin (bit part but I swear I see Martin Freeman everytime he appears in the book), Shiro, Sanya, Rawlins, Rudolph, and a hundred other side characters. And I'm definitely not looking for 'actors' for Mister and Mouse. Oh, and Toot toot! How the hell do you find an actor for Toot toot? The dreamwidth casting thread suggested Neil Patrick Harris but then again, I kind of thought Neil Patrick Harris would be awesome as the Voice of Bob the Skull. Or maybe that could be James Marsters? Hmmm...

Still working on it. ^_^

21/01/2012 - Decided Marcone could also be Linus Roache. Might be hard getting the whole fighting skills, muscular thing going, and Roache is also too old (I doubt Marcone starts out at almost-fifty in the first Dresden book, meh) but it could work just in still shots:

tv, books, fandom, considerations, opinion, movies, musing

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