Sorry for the delay, got caught up in housemate and work. (Not at the same time. :-p)
So in part one of this post, I promised to tell you guys about all of the drama/trauma I've been through the last two years or so. And I said you'd get to pick what comes first. (I suspect I already know.} This whole thing took me about 2h to write (not counting
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I finally got K to wake up off the couch and go to the doctor a little after 1p after about two hours of me sitting there babysitting him to make sure he was still breathing and trying to wake him up periodically and only being able to get a closed-eyed "I'm fine, just a few more minutes" mumble out of him. (On top of all of his other head/chest
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The stomach-ache... moved... seeming to confirm that I am dealing in part with some sort of stomach thing and not some internal organ starting to explode. (I'm not sure it hurts less, but it's less bothersome hurting where it hurts now, if that makes sense
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My day started off nasty with a headache, but once I was over that, I had a good work day. Got a nice list of stuff done, got a bit of new work, had some clients say some really nice things about our work
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This morning I had an unplanned trip to the chiro (I've been having pain when I turn my head since around Friday night) and looking at my car, that storm the other day really did raise the water levels in our yard to just above the bottom of my car door. o.O
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