LJ Profile

Sep 19, 2011 13:08

Damn, how long has it been since I've updated my LJ profile? Years? I just went in and deleted a few things that no longer apply, added Buddhism to my interests, and then backed away slowly.

Honestly, I was half tempted to delete that entire list of interests and just put "stuff."

I'm only a few months away from having this thing ten years. o.O And I think there's only two out of my original six (I think) friends who still post here regularly. (Wonder if the appropriate friends will recognize themselves in that comment. ;-) A couple still post maybe once or twice a year, one has disappeared completely, and the other defriended me a year or so ago for some reason she never explained. By original friends, btw, I mean the ones I friended all at once in the first couple of weeks.

(Waiting people to go try to play "spot the differences" on my profile, but trust me, if I haven't looked at it in years, I doubt you have either. Well, one of you may have a screencap, but my stalker aside... ;-p)


But someday we'll all be old
And I'll be so damn beautiful


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