The weather here has been treacherous to say the least. The sun rise was at 6:18 this morning and what ever little civilization had survived the heat and humidity of last few days tried to chirp and squeak. All the animals- pets and beasts of burden are dehydrated and panting all day long. The mornings are spent listening to the tribal music from West Africa and sipping iced tea. Its humid and one little air conditioner doesn’t help much and to topple the matters worse, these electricity people charge you for every milli ampere which the common junta like me uses and abuses. Philistines.
But dear saying so, I am enjoying taking 5 baths a day, eating melons, drinking lemon iced tea and loads of water. Tess has been very lazy of late and will not chase any lone roach crawling in the compound. I have only 45 days left in house number 97 and then it will be a start again. It will be time to decorate the new stair case. Oh Vivek, I wish you were here to see the back-yard of the new house. The back yard has a tree! And further, I can see that tree from every window in the south end of the house.
Josh came a few days back. He is reading “the art of seduction”. It amazes me how precocious he is even at 20 and the kind of books he reads: “I am okay so are you” or something like that and that road traveled book and now this seduction. The other evening, he told me that women like to be humiliated by men! With views like that he better read “the art of self masturbation” as no self respecting woman will like to be humiliated by a man. So any ways the moral of the story is that he needs to get laid. I may need to find someone who will not mind a novice in bed, but dear aren’t we all novices at one time or another? He has faired appallingly in his organic chemistry exam. The other night I had two ladies from his class who paid me through their nose to understand NMR and IR. I gave Josh, the best notes I had and still this grade. He is busy taking care of and mummying Ryan (his gay friend whose grades are abysmal and is out chasing the dicks). Why do people leave studies for such ephemeral pleasures? Why can’t education entice such beings and give them self confidence and a healthy ego?
Susan ( Vivek’s ex girlfriend) has been visiting me more frequently then desired. I guess, it’s our way of mourning. Quite an interesting company to say the least. She decided to leave school after 2 terms as she felt that University courses were too structured for her eccentric and eclectic lifestyle. She has a new boy friend, he is a musician and she met him at the comfest. I guess she may come for tea this evening
Sometimes I wonder what it that connects me to Vivek, Josh and all. They both are very similar in their own way. They both had the misfortune of having demented parents. What a lousy job these parents do. There ought to be some kind of centralized examination which one has to pass before giving birth to a child. I see so may shortcomings in the parenting on seeing my-self and people around me that I have decided never to have children.
L (my prof’s secretary) has been unwell. Now you see she has been married for 8 months and she was telling me how lousy sex has become. Before marriage the act of copulation was performed at least thrice a day and now it has become infrequent. Oh why do these married people behave like pigs? Why is sex after marriage such an ardent task? Why do people stop satisfying each other after marriage? I guess it’s the lack of communication and absorption of inhibition doesn’t help much. A few weeks ago, department of sexuality studies showed a movie on how the facial expressions and noises of people change when they achieve orgasm. A very interesting movie covering the whole spectra of humanity and ages. I guess sometimes, people or couples consider sex as a currency/ gift/ trophy for other tasks in a relationship. Of course a lot of times, partners have these inhibitions and hence a desire or rather a fantasy keeps on troubling and inhibiting the lumens of the brain. Get it out, talk to the other half about it and then you will be able to swing off the chandeliers!
Sometimes, I feel glad that I am so pessimistic in life, unlike ever optimistic Sandra. We had some very interesting conversation when she came last night with Jade for supper and smokes. The topics discussed very quite esoteric to say the least.
I have attached a few photos, enjoy!